Does anyone else have a Corgi that barks, bites, or growls at the vacuum or lawn mower?
Midgee FREAKS OUT when I pull out the upright vac or the hand-held vac. He does the same thing when my husband starts up the lawn mower. He'll be inside, looking out the window, and when he sees or hears the lawn mower, he starts barking and won't stop!

Currently, I close the blinds when the lawn mower is being used.
When I vacuum, I put him in the spare bedroom until I'm done.
He doesn't bark from there (thankfully) and doesn't scratch to get out.

Any suggestions would be great!

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Not an unusual behavior from a corgi. Many are noise reactive. What has worked for me is to put them on lead and take them along while I vacuum. Most settle down quickly. It also gives you the opportunity to redirect the behavior when you have them on lead.
Good suggestion.. we have been working to squash this behavior early. Owen has a passion for the swiffer products. Our friend who trains dogs also says to work slowly. Leave the object in front of him, no bark = treat. Next time move it once, no bark = treat. Right now everything gets him but he is a puppy.. I'll try the lead idea though too..
yes! Spencer hates the vacuum, broom, rake and lawnmower! I usually put him outside when I vacuum or put him in another room. I have let him "check out" the vacuum cleaner and I am hoping that by doing that on a regular basis, that he will calm down...if not, I think Sam's suggestion below is a great one that I will try!
Ronan and Spencer may be related. He hates the same things and reacts pretty badly. When my husband mows the lawn, Ronan will bark and then bite the window trim (he's bitten some pieces off). He attacks the vacuum as well by biting the wheels and I end up worrying that he'll hurt his teeth. I tried to put him on a lead and have him accompany me as I vacuum, but it was a deafening experience. I will probably try that again after leaving the vacuum out in the room so that it can become more familiar.
my corgi barks at the broom, the mop, the rake, the lawnmower and the vaccumme..i just put her in a differn't room..she doesn't bark consistintily usually when she is trying to chase it.
Gus does the same thing! He bites the vacuum hose and woofs constantly. Ditto for the broom. We don't let him out when anyone is mowing, but if her were out he'd woof at that too. I am going to try Sam's idea-it is a great one! I had a dog trainer tell me to gradually get him used to the vacuum by putting it on the floor and feeding him lots of treats when he doesn't bark, but if I did that I think he'd gain 10 pounds and STILL bark when it was running!
Thanks for all of the comments so far! I haven't tried anything new yet... but he did just get groomed, so there's less hair around :)

It's strange, because he doesn't react at all to my hair dryer. That's not as loud as the vacuum, but still makes a lot of noise. Hmmm... Corgis are interesting dogs, huh? :)
My Moose and Dixie start barking just when I start picking their toys up off the floor, in anticipation of my getting out the vacuum! They actually know when I'm getting ready to get the beast out! I tell them to go in their pen (which is in the kitchen), and they do. They don't bark anymore after I start the vacuum. When my husband rakes or mows, they go crazy. He also puts them in their pen. We're lucky enough to have room for a pen!
This may sound super mean, but when I'd just gotten Didi, I put her in her crate, and vaccumed my room around the crate while she crammed herself in the corner and stared at the vaccuum. I'd completely ignore her and just vaccuum. I did it three times a week (as much as my room needed it). Eventually she'd just go on playing with her kong while watching the vaccuum with only mild interest. Now she just followed me while I vaccuum to make sure it doesn't do me any harm.
Heck yes!! She barks when it's not on, but when I start vacuuming, nothing. She thinks she's tough, but she's really a chicken. I think it's general dog protect you from loud, scary things. I just try to laugh at it and distract her with something else after I stop vacuuming
Jack is the complete opposite! He runs and hides until I crawl under the bed and pull him out. It's the same with mowers, hair dryers, loud cars, loud music, and especially with the vacuum and floor sweeper. We tried to vacuum with him on the bed, but he'd leap off and run upstairs.

Perhaps you should continue what you doing, putting him in a spare bedroom, since it seems to be working. Maybe add some of his favorite toys in there, keep him busy so he doesn't decide to scratch and bark.
Hi I had a corgi that chased the vacuum. She would try and bite the rubber end while I was vacuuming. What is happening is that she was anxious and it made her nervous. I too, used to put her in the bathroom. This did not solve the problem. I watch alot of Cesar Milan on National Geographic Channel. He would say to not put your dog in another room. You would keep vacuuming and make him/her stay back by repetition. YOu woul dliterally have to stop the vacuum each time. This could take a very long time. By locking in another room, you are actually re-inforcing the anxious state of mind. Check out his website if you are interested in his techniques. He also has a show on National Geographic Channel that I find not only fascinating but helpful with problem behaviors. Hope that helps. good luck


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