Just when I thought Ginger had done it all, she surprises me once again.  She has broken both upper molars...slab fractures is what the vet calls it.  She sheared off the entire side of both teeth.  This means oral surgery to have them removed since the nerves are exposed.  She's not even 2 and this will be her 3rd surgery (spay, bladder surgery to remove 13 stones, and now the teeth).  Just curious if anyone else's corgi's have had this done and what the recovery time looks like.  She's always such a baby for the first day after surgery and then she's back to her crazy, hyper self.  I'm sure I'm going to have to give her canned food for a while (although she eats her dry food just fine now...the vet was shocked, but she is a corgi after all).  I just want to know what to expect.  Thanks!

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Hi Jen, here you go.

Thanks Sam.  That's exactly what happened to her, although the teeth don't look as bad as they do in the picture, thank goodness! 

Just out of curiosity - what was she eating when she broke both her upper molars?

We're not sure...we're not even sure how long they have been broken.  We went in for a heartworm shot and they noticed it.  I'm thinking her nylabones were the cuplrit.  She used to chew on them constantly, then about 4-5 months ago she lost interest and now likes to chew on stuffed toys and sticks instead.

Sparty had to have a couple molars pulled about 5 years ago probably due to Nylabones (now banned from our house) and he eats just as fast as he did before. I feed dry food and he has never had a problem with it. That is such a shame that such a young corgi has had so many problems! So sorry you have to deal with this.

Thanks Bev.  It's a hassle but she's worth every penny! :)

We have lost a total of 5 teeth (2 Dogs involved) to Nylabones!! They are now banned from our house. I thought I was being a responsible fur parent to help with the tarter buildup that Bailey always seems to have, however we ended up with broken teeth, oral surgery and vet bills. :( My two only get soft rubber chews from now on!

Didi had one slab fracture on her left side. It was repaired and then had to be taken out later when she broke the repair off and some of her tooth.

She was on soft food for a week, but was acting normal by 3 days out. She still tries to chew her bully sticks on that side, silly girl.

Hooves are banned from the house now.

I just went through this with Franklin in February. Recovery time was about 2-3 days. Soft food for about a week but you can just soak her kibble to make it soft or buy soft food. Franklin still chews toys on that side and doesn't seem to care at all that he is missing a tooth. He has had several surgeries as well for various things and always has a lot of trouble with anesthesia. My only suggestion is if she doesn't have any/much calculus on her teeth, don't let them clean them just have them take out the tooth. It has been my experience talking to clients that once a dog gets a dental (professional or not) tartar tends to build up faster. Franklin's teeth were in excellent shape when he broke his tooth so the vet agreed no dental cleaning and just a removal of the tooth. Its scary for us as owners but it is VERY routine in the vet world and she will do great I'm sure! Also make sure the vet/techs cover her eyes during the surgery and flush them well. Franklin developed a clogged tear duct from tehe tooth extraction (flying debris from drilling the teeth) which I know could have been prevented had they taken what should have been normal precautionary measures.

Ginger has fabulous teeth!  She's only had 1 cleaning and they said they had to hunt for anything to scrape off.  Probably due to the fact that she was a constant chewer on Nylabones.  Now I'm going to stick to teeth-cleaning treats.  Thanks for the advice on the eyes.  I'll make sure to ask about that.

Melissa-Sorry if this is a stupid question, but when you mentioned covering the eyes for when they drill the teeth, is that only for getting the tooth removed or does that include when cleaning as well? I have Noodles first dental cleaning (yeah and he is almost 7 with no teeth problems), so I was wondering if I should make sure they cover his eyes as well or if that isn't necessary. Thanks

wow!!! never knew this about Nylabones, i gave them long time ago , but just do bisikts , now,, i have gotten Remy those llamb leg bones from the feed store, they are hard ,thinking i better not do so,, sorry to hear about y'all's issues with the slab fractures ,,, gosh we dont need any problems 


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