Charlie had surgery on Saturday and when we brought him home he was an emotional mess. Shaking and whining. He hardly moved all day. He's much much better now but his incisions are driving him nuts! He has two in his groin area and one on his abdomen that goes alongside his penis. The incision does not look very clen and I'm a bit worried. Does anyone have any advice on caring for his wounds or relieving the itching? He's trying to scratch and lick every 5 minutes. Also, does anyone know how long the healing process will take? The vet said the cone can come off in ten days. Is that about right? I'm super worried about him but I know most of it is paranoia. Any advice would be appreciated. Also any similar stories would be comforting :). Thanks 

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Hi Courtney, I don't have any advice as Tommy has not experienced anything similar but I wanted to wish Charlie a speedy recovery!! :)

Franklin was a cryptorchid as well. What do you mean when you say the incision doesn't look clean? I wouldn't put anything on it or do anything with it, I'm guessing it just feels weird to him and maybe the stitches are poking him. If you are really concerned you can have the vet take a quick peak to make sure the sutures aren't too tight and that everything is healing well. Most important thing is to keep the cone on and don't let him scratch. Did they give you pain meds? If not, ask your vet for some. Franklin came home from his surgery and actually tried to chase the cat that night. I sometimes wonder if he can feel pain (he broke his foot twice and still was trying to run and play both times). I'd call your vet for more advice and maybe pain medication.

It's more that the incision is not a clean cut. It's kind of lumpy and bruised. Which I'm sure is normal. I just want to be sure that the stitches are secure. Maybe seein the vet again would be best. 

  The shaking and whining was probably an after effect of the anesthesia, rather than him being "an emotional mess".  I hope that helps you feel a little better about his behavior and also hope that Charlie will be back to normal soon.  10 days should do it but, as Melissa says, if you're not 100% at ease with what you see, a quick check is always worth it.

Ace was also a cryptorchid! (Un)fortunately, he is an angel with not fussing with himself, so we didn't leave the cone on past the first night. The vet did advise 7-10 days of it on, provided that it was necessary. If Charlie is scratching or licking at it, then leave it on, of course!

Ace's incision site on his abdomen was also kind of "lumpy". Around the final knot of the thread just before the penis, he had a minor infection. There was a bit of pus, and scabbing, but it all went away within two weeks. I didn't notice any bruising, but I suppose it may be possible. Your vet will probably want you to come back in after a week to see how he's healing up. I had to put on topical iodine antiseptic for a few days on the little lump, and it went away quickly.

Thanks! Its good to know that other pups had similar looking incisions. It's been 5 days and it definitely looks better than it did even yesterday.

Henry was a cryptorchid too, and acted very much like Charlie on his first day. His incision was lumpy looking too, and I actually did bring him back about 3 days after the surgery because I was worried about it, but the tech said it was totally fine. We got a "comfy cone" from petco which seems to be much more comfortable for them than the plastic ones.

Thanks for the response! How long did you wait before you let Henry use the stairs and go on long walks, etc?


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