Hi - I am worried about my Corgi.  He chases strings and flashlights with my cats.  Is this normal?


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Yes it is! From what I've been able to gather, Corgis were really all-purpose farm dogs and were ratters as well as herders. In many of them, the prey drive is still quite strong.

However, neither of the toys you mentioned is appropriate for a dog. String can cause damage to the intestines. Chasing flashlights can lead to a general obsession with light and shadow and some dogs will get OCD and stare for hours at walls, waiting for a light beam or shadow to go across it.

You can use something more appropriate, like this:


Just be careful to move it in a way that does not encourage him to become airborne.

I agree with Beth and have seen dogs go absolutely nuts chasing flashlights, while the owners thought it was funny.  Sad to see.

Interesting.  Arthur doesn't get the string because the cats get at it first and "slap" him if he tries to move in.  I didn't know about the obsession with lights - I don't want my already crazy Corg to get OCD.  Believe me, Arthur goes airborne over almost everything.  He is a "flying Corgi". 

I hope it's normal, because Sidney is also very cat-like in his play behavior :)

He is cute too!

Like Beth mentioned, beware about using light (laser pointers or LED thingies) as a form of play for your pets. It can contribute to some really neurotic tendencies.

Ace's toy of preference, when he's in the rare mood for play, is definitely a cat teaser toy. It ignites his prey drive like no other. It's just impossible for him to share it with the cats since a nearly 10 kg potato barreling down a hallway tends to make the cats screech and jump out of the way. :D

These are good posts and it is hilarious the cats move out of the way of Ace.  My cats will "slap" Arthur if he interferes with their play and he absolutely stops.  My cats dominate all the way!

Frosty's favorite toy of all time is a laser pointer. Don't worry, its an animal thing, not a cat thing lol!

Frosty looks like almost anything is fun!  Cool pup!

I would think that anything they see or do when they are puppies would seem natural.  If there are no other dogs, I would think he would be interested in what the cats are doing.

Arthur is interested in anything and everything.  He plays and imitates my yellow lab and my son's Shiba Inu when he comes over.  He is the most curious and playful pup I have ever had.  My lab is not into playing with the cats like Arthur.  My son's Shiba is into chasing them.  Arthur is sort of a middle territory dog.  He is the funniest pup I have seen with those crazy big ears, those stubby legs and his always "smarty pants - know it all" grin!

Pippa definitely seems to be 75% cat. Our 4 month old kitten is becoming her best friend, too! Both of mine prefer the cat toys (especially the squeaking mice) to their own toys, as well. Dante's cat-ness stops at the toys, though. He thinks he's part wolf, part labrador, lol.


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