One feature I particularly love about corgis, both Pem and Cardi, is the magnificence of their fluffy pants. Ace's have never been spectacular. In fact, they look a little raggedy. I'm not sure if it's a case of "I'm doing it wrong", but I would appreciate some feedback!

Yep, that's a corgi butt you're staring at. But you see how his pants go in a down and in fashion, and don't actually stick out? I'm wondering how I can correct this. Grooming them to "stand out" lasts about 5 seconds; Ace puts his otter tail down and the pants are back to drooping.

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Whew, okay. Ace also tends to scrabble around on the wooden floor of our flat. His topline actually flattens out depending on the terrain we're on! 

My Tenby has a beautiful pair of pants, flowing hair very nice looking. Chepstow on the other hand, lets just say he will never be asked to do a hair commercial.


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