I've been thinking for awhile now about starting a discussion about social websites, and the bonds that one makes through them.  I have met lots of awesome people from this site.  I was never one to to use social websites before I found mycorgi.  Lance has had lots of playdates with a few of the doggies from mycorgi, Spencer and Ziggy (sable).  Unfortunately Ziggy moved to Arizona with his Mom.  I have some awesome pics and videos of them all playing though.  :)  Lance also went to a corgi meet up with a bunch of different corgis from here, although that was awhile ago, about 4 years!!!  It was a blast though.

I like to keep in touch with the friends I make as much as possible, sometimes, life makes that difficult. 

Lives get busy, things happen, illnesses come up.  I made a friend on here, when I first joined, which was almost five years ago, she was diagnosed with cancer, and we continued to communicate, until it just got too diffucult for her to do so.  We then lost contact.   Like I said, this is my first experience with social networking.  I still miss her and often wonder how she is, after not hearing back from messages I have sent.  I hate to assume the worst.  :(     I often think about her and have no definite closure so it makes me wonder, if a friend gets ill, and something were to happen, would they then have someone contact that friend.

I've been wanting to write this for the longest time, but just didn't know how to bring it up.

This year has been a rough year, losing so many corgis and also humans.  It is just so sad.  My brother in law, who would be 37 today passed away from a rare form of cancer on August 4th, 2012  My sister and brother in law were only married five years, and they really had a wonderful marriage.  Their marriage was like one of a fairy tale, they were so in love.   2 out of the five years he spent battling this rare form of cancer. There are only 200 hundred cases around the world!!   Really makes one stop and think. 

So as I sit here and type this I hear a thunk on the sliding glass door, neither one of the dogs bark, or do much of anything!! I get up to see what that thunk could have been and it was a bird, must have crashed into the sliding glass door, looks like a baby :(  Now its just sitting there :O  I have to be at work very soon, so not sure what to do!

Maybe Carl sent the bird to us....at least he didnt send bats to us.... EEK....although my sister did have a bat inside her house the week of my brother in laws wake/funeral, then a few weeks later another bat was found sitting on her kitchen counter after she had been outside and came in to get something to drink!!! Batman and Robin were called out to investigate, and didn't find any major concerns, so hopefully the bat problem is now done with!!!    They ended up closing an opening in the fireplace, so hopefully thats how they were getting in.  I have to say it made a funny story. My sister was the only one up late at night the week her husband passed...so she woke everyone up including her mother in law..and no one could see the bat LOL....they thought she was making it up...but they found out she really wasn't!!!!

I hope this post makes sense, but its been on my mind for a while now.  Well off I go to get ready for work on this friday. 


Pictures Added:

This is the picture I got after the bird hit the window, poor thing was probably stunned, it sat for a few minutes..and then disappeared, hoping I wont find it laying in the grass somewhere when I go out to check.   The little birdie sent to us from up above (brother in law Carl), will always think of him when I see birds, although alot of things will as well as this, but wow, first time I have experienced something like this.

Lance and Tucker were both pretty oblivious to the thunk on the window and of the bird.  Lance even came up to the window when I was taking pics and didn't even notice the bird!!!!! 

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Natalie, this makes perfect sense to me:) I often think about if anyone on MyCorgi would know if I were to die unexpectedly. I guess I would hope someone who has my email would find out as my husband has noway of knowing how to post:(

As for the bats...I had a similar experience when my dad and best girlfriend died(she was only 53) within a week. I was on the way to my dad's funeral and my girlfriend had already died when there were 2 Canadian geese flying low going the opposite direction...I always felt that this was a sign from them as they were so close to the car...but I believe in "signs".

So sorry for your loss.

Thanks Jane!

I was a widow and Roger a widower when we met.  Roger's wife had passed away on Oct 31, he had been living in England/Wales for 32 years and over there Halloween in not celebrated.  But with his American roots it meant something to him.  A month or two after her death he was in a shop in Chedder, England.  He looked up and saw a beautiful purple kitchen witch hanging from the ceiling.  She spoke to him and of course he took her home.  We have her hanging in our kitchen today.  The first time I was at his house I mentioned what a beautiful witch he had hanging in his kitchen.  He said thank you...it reminds me of my wife. At first I thought what a rude and terrible thing to say.  Then he explained, and I decided that I would go out with him again.

Natalie, I am sorry that you have had such loss so close to you.  I always feel like this site is such a soft place to land that I sometimes come here first when I am feeling low.  How amazing is that all of these people who most certainly have different points of view and politics, religions and backgrounds, can come together to celebrate...what?  Little dogs.  Just sweet, little dogs.  It is sort of a miracle that when I think about it. 

Thanks for sharing Nat, it makes perfect sense to me too :) I know the friend that you speak of and I hope she is doing well. I'm sorry to hear about your brother in law, life is too short and we really need to stop and smell the roses :) Have a great weekend!


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