Corgi Terrible Twos? Do they exist? Am I living them?

Hey everyone! Just wanted see if anyone else has had this same experience. Grover is now almost 7 months old. In the past month, the biting/ nipping (a serious prob for Grover) has gotten so much better, he's asking to go out to potty, he's walking like a pro when we take him around the block, being a total snuggle bug, he had just about become the all around perfect little buddy....but in the last 4 days he has been the biggest punk. He's started nipping more, barking to get attention, pestering the cat literally non-stop, not wanting to pee when he gets outside, growling or fussing at the neighbors when we are out in our yard, and all around being a little brat. What happened? Nothings changed. We've been doing our usual mile walk/jog in the morning and in the evenings. Same amount of food, exercise and attention! I even up-ed the attention, thinking maybe he's just feeling ignored. But playing ball more in the yard and more petting and snuggles haven't helped!
Is this just a puppy phase? Is it normal for pups to regress a little or get more bratty at a certain age?

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Jasper did the exact same thing. We were in obedience class where he was a saint, and poof over night when he was about 7 months old he became the devil dog. i wouldn't listen to me, chewed things and was an all around demon. As soon as he turned one poof again, he's an angel. The vet said that he was coming into his puberty phase and he hormones probably triggered it. Have no fear, he's an angel again and over the phase. Good luck and just know that it will be over soon
i was told it was a phase, neeka did that same thing!! she was a little terror but she got over it...
Same thing with Bailey (7 months now). He was an angel, so calm, and top of his puppy class Then one day, he turned into a destruction machine and just plain NAUGHTY (challenged our authority, pestered my older corgi Truffle and just pushed our patience to the limit). I'm happy to report that suddenly the beginning of this week (cross our fingers and paws), he's starting to show signs of calming down. Last night he was perfect and back to his old calm self.
I say, continue with your obedience training and don't lose hope. :):)
Truffle wasn't as bratty as Bailey but she had her moments too when she's younger. Now she's just a perfect companion.
Oh I love that name.. Truffle. Brody went through the same phase and while he has the occasional stubborn streak and occasional hand gnaw, he has gotten so much better.
Yup, he's a teenager! Don't worry, it won't last will just seem like it!
Thanks everyone! That makes me feel SO much better! I was starting to worry that we had gone terribly wrong somewhere!
Poor Grover...I remember being a teenager and how much that sucks! :)


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