Duke recently has developed a pink/reddish mark on the side of his nose on his white fur.
We at first thought it was a scratch or something from Daisy and him chasing each other around the house and sometimes they get a little feisty and maybe she scratched him or bit his nose. But, when we wash it with soap it will not go away. I have looked at his skin underneath the light fur and it doesn't appear to be irritated. I even put a little hydrogen peroxide on the area to clean it and it didn't bubble up like a scratch might.
I showed it to the vet on a recent visit (Duke had a stomach bug) and he said maybe the antibiotics would clear it up. But it didn't. Now he has this pink mark of fur on his face where it used to be pure white. My Mom thinks it's growing in pink. He has one paw with a pink fur pad too.
Could Duke's hair be growing in a pinkish color? He is only 2 years old. It's very strange.
I might have to take him back to the vet to have him get a better look (he didn't get a good look the first time), but has anyone ever noticed fur changes on their Corgis?
I'll post a pic if I get a chance.