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Are you sure there is no measurement error.  Note that the nasal vertex does not meet, neither does the nose-to-right ear vertex.  Furthermore there is an asymmetry in eye placement as you can see the right eye is very nearly at a tangent to the nasal-right ear line of the triangle whereas there is quite a gap from the line to the iris on the left side.  

Is this a failure of the student in Photoshop or a failure of the corgi in evilness?

 Normative issues such as evilness are really secondary.   Equilaterality is key.

In this matter, most Corgi problems are due to measurement error.

So would this be an obtuse corgi? Is such a thing possible?

No, that's an abstruse Corgi.  Obtuse Corgis are quite different.  


not very good at geometry but i say its very acute

You all have much knowledge. It's humbling to believe that all this time I thought my Lucy was indeed cute. I am so sorry to admit, after reading this thread, that she is not. Does anyone know of a surgeon who can do equilateral corrective surgery?

All corgis are acute and are never in need of corrective surgery.  Owners, on the other hand, are sometimes obtuse and this is not able to be corrected surgically, but certain medications may help.

Certain upgrades are available. You can add RAM to optimize processing power with the CPU that is already installed.  Some Corgis are eligible for free CPU upgrades.  

Cuteness enhancement, particularly tweaks to get the Corgi perfectly equilateral, should only be done by a surgeon with a lot of experience.  The Corgi must be sedated in a near-equilateral stance and distances between the equilateral points measured with a laser.  At that time slight changes must be made.

Corrective servo motors can also be installed to counteract the effects of ear twitching and flattening.  Most of the surgeons with experience in these procedures are in NYC.


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