Yesterday Sammie came walking in the back door just on three legs so I rushed her to the vet. And keep in mind Sammie is just ten months. The vet said she has a luxating patella in both knees but worse on the left and also tore her cranial crutiat ligament they quoted us $1800 on the surgery and we cannot afford that. Please some advise would help or experiance in this.

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The only thing I know of is corgipals. I don't know their qualifications or anything but it's worth looking into.

What is that quote for? The cruciate ligament repair or for teh ligament and the patella repair? I would focus on getting the cruciate ligament repaired, apply for care credit and see if you can get that, it is a no interest for a certain number of months type card. Keep her on anti-inflammatories and strict rest for at least 2 weeks and if you aren't going for surgery then it may be months that she can't run and play to allow the ligament the possibility of healing. Unfortunately if it is a full tear all you can do is surgery, there are different types of surgery, ask for the extra-capsular (or fishing line) repair, its the cheapest and still works ok. Also you can call around to different vets and see how mucn they charge.

The quote is for the ligament and patella. She doesn't have to have surgery but the ligament won't heal it will just scar. And it will just keep happening :(

Melissa gave you good advice. Unfortunately there is not much else you can do with a cruciate tear. I would definitely call around and see if you can get quotes from some other vets. I'm sure it varies by area but my cousin had the extra-capsular done on his older lab and I think it was around $700. Look into the CareCredit too.

Unfortunately, I've heard that in 50% of cases, the other knee subsequently goes, too.  So sad, such a young puppy.

I would really get a second opinion before you go ahead with anything. It was suggested that my dog had a torn ccl but the tests were inconclusive. The vet was talking surgery right away. I decided to do some research and found that in small dogs, the surgery is not necessary in many cases. I followed up with a second opinion from a vet (that unfortunately can not be my regular doc because she is out of town, at the cottage). What I did was restricted activity and add supplements. It has taken several months but Milly is a lot better and can frap with the best of them. I recognize the signs of over use with her and restrict activity for a few days and we are good to go. No one has a crystal ball and can guess whether there will be issues with the other leg or future damages. I think we need to know our dogs and follow our hearts but also do our research before any drastic medical intervention. I wouldn't hesitate to pay anything to ensure her health but I will do all in my power to minimize and pain and unnecessary procedures.

Thank ou everyone for all your replies. The vet has been very good at calling and checking to see how she is doing... Even if she isn't working. We are going to get a second opinion not that I don't trust the vet she was amazing but every person has a different point of view. On top of everything while she was sedated for x-rays because she hurt so bad they pulled two teeth that were broken in half and we didn't even know!


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