Introducing a new puppy into the family of an older corgi

My husband and I have a 12 year ole, spayed female corgi named Rapunzel. She is a wonderful pet but has been seeming kind of lethargic and slower lately (as have we). She checks out healthy at the vets and we are thinking that she might benefit from a companion. So we are thinking of getting a corgi puppy. Does anyone have experience with this situation? My husband is retired so both dogs could get a lot of attention. Rappy is so good and well trained that we hope her good qualities would help a puppy as well. What do you think?

Sue Ann

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Welcome Sue, here you go

I think you should try a puppy only if want another pup! your 12 yr old may just want to relax and enjoy your company without having to share attention,, .. Corgis are sooo partnered to their owners, it may not work out.

We have litter mates, and we have to purposefully make sure that each has quality time...we certainly love them both, but wonder if they would prefer to each have us for their own!


I added a 1 year old male Corgi to our family two years ago and one of our dogs was then a 12 year old female who, like yours, was really slowing down and getting lethargic.  She LOOOVED him and they are best buddies, she is now 14 and going strong, it was like giving her a second lease on life!.  We also had a younger female dog, but it seemed they both liked having the male around. I would definitely go for it in your shoes, provided she is OK with other dogs. A very young puppy may be tiring to an old lady, so you would have to monitor the interaction and not expect her to be the puppy-sitter.  It takes  awhile for young pups to learn their manners around an older dog.  We adopted ours and took her along to make sure they were compatible before we brought him home. We enjoy watching the interaction between the dogs and it brings us endless smiles and, of course, some extra work.  Good luck.

If Rapunzel generally likes other dogs than I say go for it.  I know that many dogs enjoy having the company of other animals in the house, and it will be nice for you too to have a young one around as Rappy gets up in years.  

Read the FAQ, think about it carefully, and if you do get a new pup make sure you talk to the breeder extensively about Rappy and maybe even let the breeder meet her.

Good luck!


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