All of a sudden.. sweet, happy Corgi acting timid and a little fearful...

I haven't posted in a while, life got really busy for us recently and I haven't been able to get on here much...

We have a little pembroke named Rocket.  Love that little guy!!!

Yesterday I got home from work and he was not happy to see me.  It made me sad and then nothing I could do would get him excited to see me.  Usually he's wiggly and trying to jump up.  Yesterday he just sat and stared at me.  My husband said he'd been like that most of the day.

I picked him up and held him. He was so floppy! He just laid there on me and I held him like a baby.

He is 16 weeks... So, like a nervous mom, I went ahead and called the vet. I needed to schedule his 3rd set of shots anyway and the vet said I could bring him in.  She said his temp was on the high side of normal and apparently he had broken a baby tooth.  She said that could be painful and that may be why he was acting the way he was.  For a wiggly dog, he sat there and didn't move through the whole exam.

This morning he is acting the same way. I hated coming to work, but he is eating, pooping and peeing all normally.  Could teething be causing this behavior as well?

The only other thing that has changed recently is that was have had company for the past 5 days. Our small house has been super busy and quite a bit louder than usual.  (some very loud voices...)

I am wondering if this breed is sensitive enough to have issues when his environment is turned upside down?  OR, does it make sense that his tooth/gums are hurting him.

It makes me worry and feel sad to see him be so unresponsive...

Any ideas?  Thank you SO much!!

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16 weeks is still pretty young and he could be feeling poorly due to the broken tooth. Puppies do get overwhelmed some times. I have found my corgis to be very adaptable so doubt this is breed related. If he continues to be lethargic I would have the vet check him over again.

Not sure why he's acting as you describe, but I'm sure it is not related to the company or confusion you had in the house, unless he got into something he should not have.... Give it a few days and, if his behavior does not return to normal, as Bev suggested, have him rechecked. 

Thanks everyone.... I took him back to the vet yesterday afternoon and he got thoroughly checked over.  Temp was a little lower and vet said she noticed that he felt "less bloated" when she palpated his tummy.

So - don't you know it... today he slowly returned back to his normal, happy, wiggly self!  Tooth appears to have split almost right down the middle. (ouch..) she definitely thinks that was the thing that was altering his mood.

You'd think with teenage boys in the house I'd be super calm about everything, but this guy is my new little baby. LOL...


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