I am beginning to see that I'm not alone in my frustrations of bringing up a mischievous and troublesome Corgi puppy. Just when I'm starting to see a little improvement in behavior, my dog will act up again. Misery loves company, so I'm wondering, "What trouble has your Corgi gotten into today?"

Let me start the list:


-shredded and destroyed magazines and newspapers

-stolen a medication prescription from inside my purse and tore it up

-stolen food and items from the coffee table

-ripped up our living room rug

-tore a hole in my clothing

-eaten 2 holes into the living room carpet...even when we had an overlying carpet to prevent her from doing so!

-jumped onto the dining room table and stood there on all 4 short legs eating out of our cereal bowl like she had done nothing wrong

-destroys and disembowels newly bought toys in <1 hour

-eats doggie and deer poop

-eats woodchips and swallows them whole...then eliminates poop embedded with woodchips

-jumped onto my bed with her short legs!

-destroyed my living room pillows

-destroyed some of my inner ear hair cells when she barks loudly, obnoxiously, and incessantly

-runs away from us with lightening speed when she's done something wrong


With time, I hope she will outgrow her naughty "terrible twos!"

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Just curious: what is the danger posed by dead rabbits, mice or birds? Do they carry diseases? Parasites? I never thought about it so would appreciate learning. Thanks.

I'm surprised at the story actually.  Dogs are scavengers and have a pretty tough resistance to the usual dead thing bacteria.  The dog across the street ate a flattened squirrel that had been on the road for three days and barfed it up in his back yard to the dismay of owners.  My vet book says "dogs have a well developed vomiting reflex" which I'd say is an understatement.  

Dipper has an unfortunate tendency to eat rabbit and deer turds. 

Cathie:  Bear's initial CBC indicated that there were no parasites, no viruses and kidney, liver and pancreatic functions were good.  This then indicated that the episode was bacterial.  The real danger was that Bear threw up, urinated, defecated all over the house rendering him super-dehydrated.  Subcutaneous intravenous hydration and nourishment kept him alive.  When the CBC diagnosis arrived, we then had to begin to feed him 2 tablespoons of wet food every hour so as to prevent shock to his system.  This continued until Friday when he finally had a bowel movement.  Dr. Bates took a fecal loop and pulled out bunny hair.   I am so fortunate to have a vet who is thorough in his investigations and loves my three corgis very much.  Dr. Bates knows how much time, love and common sense I have invested in my wonderful, short legged sweeties!  I have learned another important lesson - don't let Bear off a lead - ever!!!!  All the best, your friend, Nancy 

Nancy, thanks. I'm so glad Bear is OK!

Well, Abbey peed on the carpet, and hubby was very upset about it.  Abbey knew it, too, for she went to her crate and laid down.  Corgis are so much like children!

Machete, that takes quite some skill! Don't get your boompers stung, though.


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