I finally got my two rescue corgi-mixes yesterday and they are absolutely adorable, however they are very stressed and are having some issues I would like some insight on.

We showed them around the house and the first night they where very inquisitive and would walk around with out myself or my fiancee with them, however they were getting sick and throwing up on a fairly regular basis. The throw up was mostly just water and mucous as they do not want to eat right now. 

Today, day number two, they are not very interested in being in the house or even going in the back yard unless one of us is with them. They are spending a lot of time in their crate sleeping or just lying with each other. 

We have been giving them lots and lots of attention and lots of love but obviously are having a difficult time adjusting to their new surrounding  They have had a stressful week or so between getting micro chipped, having extensive vet visits and then a long commute from Indiana to Maine and then from Maine to Massachusetts. 

What can I do to help them with their stress levels as well help them to understand that this is their forever home and will never have to worry about having new owners or a new house???? Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated as I really want them to be happy and healthy in their new home.

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WOW...poor babies! Busy week is right! Are they eating the same food that they had? If not between that and traveling their stomachs  plus stress they are probably feeling pretty rough. You could try a bit of chicken and rice mixed with their food(1/2& 1/2) and if that doesn't work i'd try just chicken and rice It will take at least a month to adjust and then depending on how they were living it might take more. . I would just spend time sitting with them and talking/petting them. Take them out maybe just to go potty since they are just adjusting. SLOW...for everything is a good idea for now. Good luck and "thanks" for taking these doggies. We want pics too!

Are they doing better with the throwing up?


Good luck! It's not easy.

I made sure to find the same food that they where eating at the foster home, Diamonds Natural Beef and Sweet Potato Grain Free, I had to search every pet store in town but i found it. With that being said though they are not eating, they did eat when we first got them home but since them they have not had a bit, they have been sniffing at the bowls of food more today so thats positive. 

Stick with it. My little girl was a sad little lump when I brought her home. The vet had written "shy girl" on her records and I assumed she was because of her timid manner. She had just been spayed at three years old and also had had hernia repair before the adoption. For about two weeks, I'd have to carry her up the stairs and out to the sidewalk to take her on walks because she would not walk further than a few steps from the front door. I just let her adjust at her own pace, gave her lots of hugs and good food and let her hide under the bed when she needed to. Eventually, she turned around.At first she would not even play with toys...I wasn't sure she even knew how. Today, she is a highly active friendly dog with a toy box filled with toys that she does (and actually always did) know how to play with.

Good for you for rescuing!!  It is a long road, but well worth it.

They probably aren't eating due to stress...don't worry- they won't starve.  They will eat when they get hungry.  Keep the crate open so they have a "safe place".  And keep chaos (noise) in your house to a minimum--avoid sudden movements and load noises...and visitors to a minimum!  

The best way to let them know you aren't going to hurt them is to just go sit by them- don't try to pet them, talk to them, or pet them, and no eye contact.  Just be with them.  When they start to show interest, then slowly you can talk quietly, and start to pet slowly.  Let them guide you.  Eventually you will get the "AHAH" moment, when they realize that you aren't going to hurt them...and then in a week or so you get the "EUREKA" moment--the best one of all--when they figure out they are staying.  

Just to warn you--all rescues go through a period (around week 2 in my experience) when they do something so crazy, so irrational, so out of character--like eat your couch...along those lines.  I think it's their way of pushing the boundaries--saying "how bad can I actually be before they get rid of me"....This too shall pass.

Congratulations on adopting...it is the best experience in the world.  You will receive their lifetime of gratitude.  


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