hi, first of all im sorry if i posted this on the wrong section, because i've a lot of questions about this favourite breed of mine.
i'm from , Bandung, West Java Indonesia.
our climate here is moderately cool, as the city is on a mountain top
temp range from 18C (at night) 30C (at noon)
i live in a large home, about 1000m2 with a back garden about 400m2
its a tropical resort type of 2 storey home. 
in the house, theres currently 
me and my fiancee (she own a 11 year old red toy poodle who is a hyper but never shown any aggression to stranger and other dog)
my mom and dad who are quite old already, 82 and 65 years old. but they are still perfectly healthy.
and we have 2 maids and 1 butler and 1 driver.
occasionally my sister and her family would come by and stay for a few night in my home.
they have 2 small children aged 2 and 8 years old.
the reason i type this detail information is because i've been wanting to get a corgi since i was small.
i don't know why but it was kind of love at the first sight thingy.
my experience with dog is not that much here's the list of the dog that i had before.
when i'm about 15 i have a male blue merle rough collie, he was so sweet and beautiful.
never barked at strangers, good with other pets, basically he's an angel to my family.
but he passed away when he was 5 , due to unknown diseases because the vet in my country is not as skilled like those in the US or any bigger country.
then i studied in Singapore for about 10 years and i get a Long Haired Cihuahua
while my sis in Indonesia get a Pomeranian 
both are male.
in the end, when i finished my education in Singapore, i brought back my Chihuahua with me back to Indonesia.
so there's 2 dog in the household , by then my sis were not married yet.
they live hapily , they passed away about 2 years ago , both @ about the same time at 13 years old.
the Long coat cihuahua have a pancreas disease and the Pomeranian has a heart problem.
It was so devastating for me so i take a break from getting a dog for quite sometimes.
last year my fiancee who has not live with me yet get a male red toy poodle and he was soo adorable
he was kind of hyper, always throwing ball or toys at our feet to ask us to throw it for them to catch at almost 24 hour a day :O
but he was very social, never barked at strangers, nor other dogs, we usually take him out for a dog meets with our friend about every 2 weeks or so.
and the poodle never create any problems, he never snap nor bark at other dogs at all.
now i've decided that i'm ready to get a new dog for my self and my future family, we are planning to get married in about 1-2 years time, so i find this is the right time to get a dog, otherwise i will have not much free time when i;m married and have children, etc. 
as i believe puppies need more constant attention than adult dog.
Like i told you before , i've loved a corgi since i was small, but due to some circumstances i never been able to have them
because they are quite expensive here and they are also quite a rare breed here.
most of the breed here are Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Golden retriever, and Rottweiller.
i've learn a lot by browsing through some corgi sites and i bought several book about corgi, how to take care of them, what to expect, etc.
but still i feel that i need to asked few of the experts here and i hope i can be a regular in this corgi forum too.
I've found 1 and only reputable corgi breeder in my country , well, there's actually few other breeder in my country but most of them breed several types of dog, and most of them is those puppy mill kind of breeder who only care about making profit than making a quality corgis.
about this breeder that i said reputable, i said they are reputable because they only breed corgis and they don't breed it every years so i must kind of make a deposit for the puppies like months before hand.
and all of their Sire and Dams are imported and most of them are Grand Champion in several countries namelly NZ, RUSSIA, ARGENTINA, etc.
they called me last month and told me thay have puppies now.
they are born on 26 july so i still have a few weeks to decide wheter to adopt them or not.
the sire is Merthyr Wanda Be An Irish Rover
DOB May 1' 2010
Imported from NZ
BPIS 3x in New Zealand
Thailand Champion
the Dam is Alenclaud Clemencia
DOB July 1' 2009
Imported From Argentina
it gave birth to 6 puppies but sadly 1 of them didn't make it.
now it only left with 5 pups, 1 female and 4 male.
here's all the males at about 1 month old
i've only want male, because i never have any experienced with female dog, and i also like male better cause in my experienced, they tend to have bigger head and body. and also because he gonna life with my fiancee male red toy poodle, so i don't want to have any "accident" down the road and ended up with few corgidoodle in my hand :)
actually i don't plan to get them into competition or anything, i know it was more expensive to get a pup from grand champion dam/sire, but what i want is that the pup to have none of the genetic problem that are hard to treat later on , such as hip dysplacia etc.
i planned to keep them indoor most of the time, with open acces to my back yard to do their bussiness and plays some fetch.
another things i have a goldfish pond  in my garden but it only 30 CM deep and won't be such a problem right ?
here are a few questions.
- i know corgi sheds, infact yesterday i travelled all the way to the breeder to see the sire and dam and also the pups.
its in Jakarta and the temp there are very hot, the dogs also kept in kennel like crate. 
some of them shed very heavily , and some of them shed very little.
i thought in fully indoor home enviroment with colder climate and daily brushing, will the shedding overwhelm me still ?
i mean how do the shedding compares to my previous dogs ?
another thing , is the shedding of the fur flaying all over the place or mostly sink at the floor ?
from my experiences, my long coat chihuahua with no double coat , when he shed , the furs are flying all over the place because the strands is so thin and airy
where my pomeranian double coat shed and the fur just goes straight to the floor because it's thicker and heavier than the strands of  the long coat cihuahua.
so corgi's more like which one ?
another thing is that when my old chichuahua or pomeranian are in their shedding time, i always clipped them very short and it seems to help with the shedding and also the new grown fur seems to be fluffier and healthier, can i also do this to a corgi ?
-as i told you my home is 2 storey , basically all the bed rooms are upstairs where the living room, dinning room and the backyard is downstairs  will this pose a problem as the corgi should be able to go up and down the stairs frequently ?
- i planned to get my parents to take the corgi for a walk  (walk, not jogg as they are old already :) ) for about 30 minutes everyday when I'm at work
and when i'm home from work, i planned to play with the corgi on the back yard playing fetch or any other intense playing for about 30 minutes everyday, will this suffice to keep the corgi happy ?
actually i've read all about dog breed and i've narrowed down to either the corgi or the miniature schnauzer
can you give the pro and cons of both breed ?
from what i learend the only cons for me about the corgi is the shedding, and for the schanuzer is that i don't really like the dog with long hairs along the mouth as the tend to be very dirty after drinking and eating but if the schnauzer is trimmed on the mouth it become very ugly, hahahaha.
im not a very good trainer too, i tend to be submissive
my old cihuahua is the "head" of the house so what to look to get a puppies that are also not dominant ?
i want those laid back corgi that are more "couch potato" like than a "hyper" corgi.
and also when is the best time to get the pup home ?
the distance from the breeder to my home is about 4 hours driving time, so i want everything to be save and good experience for the pup.
so sorry for asking so many questions,
i just want to make everything sure and make it as perfect as possible for me and my family and my future dog.
and please pardon me for my broken english.

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It sounds to me like you have waited long enough and I say "go for it"  There's a discussion on here that  is title "so you think you want a corgi" by Beth that give you plenty of facts. Corgis are wonderful creatures and the main thing you will want to do is make sure they are properly socialized as soon as they have enough shots to protect them. Corgis have only till they are 16 weeks for much of this. people, kids, babies, animals, noises and many more things to name a few. As for cooler weather Corgis prefer cool.

Beautiful pics of the pups...can't wait to hear/see more!


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