my pembroke welsh corgi is pregnant at the moment and she could be due in like 2-3 weeks i would say. her nipples have grown tremendously and i was wondering if it was normal to have almost like a scab like peal around all her nipples.. i could just rub them and it comes off but i am so confused at what it actually is. me and my boyfriend think it could possibly be scabs from the growth. can anyone help me ?

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Did you rescue her pregnant? I can't imagine anyone breeding a year old corgi. Hopefully you've contacted a vet regarding her pregnancy. I would check with the vets office and ask their advice.

The only experience I have is with mature German Shepherds, and nipple discharges toward the end of a pregnancy were normal, but they were milk like. Black discharge could be dried blood and I would seek medical attention asap. That could be an infection.

Please consider spaying your female and neutering the male unless you want this to happen again. There are plenty of corgis in rescue, breeding irresponsibly just adds to the problem. If you are starting a breeding program with a responsible breeder as your mentor, then please contact them. I'm sure that they will help you.
the vet said it was completely fine. and that she is able to take care of everything herself. its not a discharge its more by the sides of the nipple. i know there are plenty of dogs in this world that need homes but i know plenty of people who would want one of my dogs babys. the only reason i would spay my pet is to prevent them from becoming pregnant again but this was an accident the male discovered how to open the cage she was in during heat and got to her. it must of taken him weeks to do because we were always with them/
I'm not sure on the issue..I'd ask your vet, but am just wondering if there's any reason why both dogs haven't been fixed? Were you planning on breeding them in the future and this was just an accident?
well the corgi breed that i have read up on, gets very unmotivated once they are fixed. they become lazy, not wanting to do anything lose their playful moods when getting a little bit older and just become huge and fat. my two pembroke welsh corgis have the most personality that i've ever even seen in an animal and i would never want to change that. the clinic i received both of them at both said it would be a very good idea in the long run to mate them, and so did my vet. when the female, jaybe, went into heat, the male, corkie, was losing his mind he didn't eat for 2 weeks and the vet told us he was love sick from wanting to mate with her, we had her in a separate cage and soon we had to move her to an other room of the night corkie discovered how to open her cage completely and got her out and now she is pregnant.
wanted to put my two cents in. Bailey, my corgi is now almost 8 months old. he was neutered about 3 weeks ago. HE IS NO LESS ENERGETIC AND HAS NOT BECOME FAT! These things only happen if you decrease the exercise you give them after you spay/neuter them. Bailey is , if not, MORE energetic than before! =P

I hope you decide to spay/neuter.

I am curious though - was the clinic and your vet thinking it was a good idea to mate them purely based on looks (that they were just cute), or ??? I can't think of a good enough reason why a vet/clinic would actually suggest two dogs mate.
wow now that's a shocker. I guess its true. I relate Vets to being educated enough to give useful advice on nutrition - but i was wrong there (they told me to feed what the bag said), and now to learn this........
why would a 8 month year old puppy not be energetic? of course an 8 month puppy is not going to lose his spunk. and corkie was pushing jaybe's cage untill it was completely shut and she was stuck in the corner and thats when we realized it was deffently a good idea to move her into a different part of the house. We go to a commercial vet and of course they have told us that nudering the pets would be the best thing for them, and they also stated about how many dogs are with out homes. Our vet told us it was completely up to us for them to mate and when we told them we were going to do it in the long run they gave the dogs complete exams especailly checked for hip disesae and everything and both my dogs are completely healthy and that is why they said it would be safe for them to breed and a good idea if they did it. so thank you but no thank you for the discargement
According to you, they would be less energetic after being neutered. I was just telling you they aren't. I think I'd be true if Bailey got neutered at 3, 4, 5 years. I just don't think its true that neutering changes their big personalities and makes them gain weight.

I'm glad to hear your vet did genetic testing. Good luck and I hope the puppies go to wonderful homes. I'm sure you'll hear all about the dangers in corgi pregnancies from your internet sources.
i was not planning on breeding my dogs personally. i wanted to do it but definitely not yet and i didnt want to do it PERSONALY. i wanted to get it done PROFESSIONALLY. what happened was out of my control especially because the males hormones were off the chart. i even went as far as putting them at completely different parts of the house after he was torturing her by making her sit in a corner of the cage while he would fold it up with his nose. i understand completely why neutering a pet is important, but the personalities on my dogs are amazing and i thought they would make amazing dogs in the long run now now, but it happened now and i cant really turn back time. i am planning on getting her neuterd after she has her litter, but i am just very concerned on her health and how the babies are going to come out.
Wow... Neutering your pet will not change their personality. In fact, not neutering your pet can lead to other problems. You learned that they can become pregnant, but intact males will run away to try to mate with females in heat.

I am a huge proponent of neutering. I hope you are selling your puppies with a pet contract that states the buyers will neuter the animal before they turn a year old. If not, you are only making the pet overpopulation problem worse.
all the puppies are being neuterd for obvisous reasons. i have a family for each of the puppies already this was already planned before we even planned on having puppies. so please im not trying to make any problem worse. thanks!!
I know you aren't. I know that your heart is with your dog and keeping her healthy. I'm happy to know that you are having the puppies neutered too. I hope that she has a healthy litter.

You also have to understand where people who have dealt with rescue and adoption are coming from.


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