I have been feeding my 2 Corgi's Orijen dry kibble and while they seem to enjoy it, but they get bored easily with it and will not eat it everyday. It has been the only dry dog food that they have eaten and liked, I have tried them all...just ask Petco!  

When they boycot their food I pick it up and put it down later, which they still refuse.  Then they will vomit bile becasue they have empty stomachs and are too stuborn to eat.

 I stated mixing Natures Variety Instinct canned with it and again, sometimes they eat it but most of the time they don't.  They will eat the canned by itself though.

 I got so fed up I even tried the Instinct Raw, which they love.  

But again, they will not eat it mixed with kibble, just by itself.

I am so confused by it all my head is spinning.  

Should I be fedding them Raw, Canned and Kibble?  Or do I need to just stick with one?  I have learned that they love the variety of it all.  WHen I try to feed one thing to them consistently they will refuse it after a while.  

I would love to hear some input or suggestions

Thanks in advance!

Rachel, Ruby and Charlie :)

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you should not be feeding a mix of raw and kibble at the same meal, because your dog digests them differently and it could cause tummy upsets. If you want to mix, do one meal kibble and one raw. I love the raw diet (Instinct) and so does Ein but it is expensive!

I'd feed them kibble and just tough it out until they eat it. Picky eaters are made not born. :)

You have created picky eaters by offering them so much variety which is why they will only eat it a few times before refusing. They know you will offer something different/better. Like others have said, pick a food and stick with it. If they go more than 3-4 days without eating then I MAY start to worry, but not before then.  A healthy dog will not starve itself and corgis are not only incredibly smart but they are incredibly stubborn to so they will likely hold out for longer than a typical dog will. No other food or treats until they eat what you offer them. 

I wouldn't feed or offer canned at all. Its not good for their teeth and dogs often choose the canned over the kibble then refuse to eat anything else. I suspect if you start feeding a mix they are just going to go for the tastiest of the bunch and leave the rest so I'd pick one thing and stick with it. 

Baden is a finicky eater as well and i went through all sorts of brands, i used to mix all sorts of things into his food and have him eat it one day or a week and then not want it anymore and then i just had enough. so i bought a bag from petsmart and he didnt eat it for 3days but on the 4th day he gave in. i just stuck to a schedule, he gets feed at 9am and has a half hour if not eaten i just picked it up and at 5 would put his dinner down and gave him a half hour.

he finally learned that this is his food and he better eat it when i put it down. i could hear his tummy growling and he still refused to eat. even after hour walks or half the day at the dog park he would refuse to eat until he learned that i wasnt giving into HIS demands.

so just give it time, they will eat it. they are smart dogs :)

He never threw up bile after not eating for 3 days?  i went 1 1/2 days then after watching my male vomit bile for 1/2 a day I gave in.  I felt like a moster.  You are all correct.  I have created picky eaters :(  My first 2 Corgi's ate everything and anything. When I put it down it was gone in 30 seconds, no quetions asked.  These 2 are the complete opposites.  Thank you for all of your info and expertise.  I am determined to get this under control!

if they begin throwing up bile you can give them a dose of pepcid to settle their tummies. Your vet can give you appropriate dosing (I don't know it off the top of my head). This will help prevent upset tummy from stomach acids and usually will prevent the vomiting that way they can feel they are hungry and will start to eat! 

your welcome and i wish you luck, its hard to break but they will learn after some time. my first corgi ate anything i put down so when baden turned out to be finicky i was confused as i heard corgis are always hungry. baden did throw up bile on the 2nd and i felt so bad that i tried to hand feed him and he still refused to eat but i knew if i gave in i would be back to square one (not to sound mean, i felt horrible!) but i knew he had to learn so, like i said, he finally gave in

I feed raw and love it. I would never go back to kibble. Canned or raw is the best way to go considering health. My corgi is super lean on raw and is beautiful.


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