hi guys! Nikon has some bloody diarrhea tonight. He was perfectly fine this morning his poop was normal and firm, but tonight it suddenly turned wet and bloody. I don't how got it, but i suspect he may have gotten into something at the park 2 days ago, since it was his first time at the park and was exploring. He is 4 months old. Does anyone know what it could be? Any advice? My mom just went out to get some Pedialyte to mix in his water. I will take him to the vet tomorrow, since its nearly 11pm here and all the vets are closed. HELP HELP! =(

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ohh..and on friday he went to petco for grooming. i don't think that has anything to do with it, but other then that and the park he hasn't been out of the house and backyard. so those are the only 2 places i could supect him from picking something up.
hookworms and round worms are a normal cause of bloody stools. It could also be something he ingested. I would advise a chicken and rice diet, plenty of fluids and to the vet first thing. Important to bring a stool sample along.
Since you're taking Nikon to the vet, hopefully, you'll get an accurate answer.

It's too early to jump to conclusions that he might be ill, especially if he doesn't have any other symptoms. From my understanding, even a sudden change in foods or a brief allergic reaction to something eaten can cause that temporarily.
Let us know what the vet says. I do not know what it could be. I hope he feels better soon. ((BIG HUGS))!!!
hmmm...very strange! so this morning i fed him and waited for him to do his business, so that i could take the stool to the vet, BUT now its back to normal with just a tiny mucus like blood part which is largy over shadowed by normal poop. The poop is a little wet but firm in shape.

What the heck happened?!?! lol

his personality is back to normal too, his usual curious self, because last night he looked very sad and just laid down all night. This morning he is running, playing and snooping.

I don't think its from his food, because he has had the same food for the past 2 months and we are half way threw the bag.
Charlie used to have bloody diarrhea constantly. My vet always said if it is bright red blood it was more than likely irritation and not to worry. Dark, tar-like blood is very serious. Charlie was allergic to grain-based food. He gets grain-free now and no more bloody diarrhea.
Like everyone says, bland diet and vet asap. As long as he isn't vomiting along with the diarrhea, he should be OK. So sorry your tummy is upset Nikon, feel better soon and keep us posted.
When I got Madog (who is just over 3 months) he had exactly what you just described. It was one poop with scary blood and diarrhea . I picked it up and examined it and I found a tapeworm.

I can't read my vet's hand writing or I would tell you the pills he gave me for the worms.

Madog is perfectly fine and never had another incident.

I hope Nikon feels better.
Hi Arkansas Corgis,
this is so useful! I think we could have a special topic with that kind of advice. Like "What to look for before you get a chance to see your vet"
Sounds like he picked up something from Petco.... Giardia and Coccidia is what happened to Mochi when she had the same symptoms. Its pretty easy to get from other dogs since they love to sniff each other's butts.
Basil caught Giardia twice and had to go through two rounds of Panacur. We haven't had any issues lately thank God. I live in Florida and the ground is so wet he could have gotten it from just licking his paws if the parasite was present in the dirt.

I would ask your vet to test for Giardia along with whatever else they're testing for. Unfortunately dogs can have Giardia and it not show up on every fecal test. This was the case with my pup and I insisted to put him through a round of Panacur because he had every other symptom.

Hope they figure out what is going on with him.

Nikon is fine i watched him all yesterday and today. His stool is back to normal and is his normal, usual self. My guess is he at something that didn't agree with him. I am so happy that he is fine!!! This is the first time I have been this situation and probably over reacted. lol

Thank you all for your help!!! :D
I would put him on a bland diet - boiled chicken or hamburger and boiled rice. Nothing else. I would call my vet tomorrow to have his stool checked for worms etc.


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