How did you end up with a corgi? Tell us your story!

My wife and I were newly weds, we were not ready for babies so we decided to take on a puppy instead.

At that time in our life, we were living in a 2000 sqft condo, space was limited and so we knew we wanted something small to medium size. We have thought about other dog breeds like border collie, beagle & sheltie. We eliminated them because of the following reasons:

border collie - requires a lot of exercise and we were living in a condo.
beagle - the breed seems to be quite stubborn and can be a real howler.
sheltie - great size and very similar to corgi, but the hair can be a lot of work.

So why did we pick corgi? well, we read alot about the breed, it seems like corgis are very smart, motivated by food, loyal and good with kids. It fit right into our requirements.

So what else am I happy about my dogs? I like that they're not "common". I'm surprised that there are many people who don't know about them and constantly ask if they're pure bred :) I also like the fact that my dogs can handle themselves with the bigger dogs in the dog park. Corgis are very brave and have great stamina to run and herd cattles & sheeps for 45mins nonstop.

How about you? How did you end up with a corgi? why don't you share with us?

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I had never really heard of/seen corgis until my boyfriend told me about them. One day I finally looked them up on Yahoo! images and thought they were the funniest, cutest little dogs. I did a little research on them and realized they were the dog for me. I live in an apartment and don't want a big dog, but I didn't want a really little dog either. I also have younger siblings and cousins and wanted to have a dog that would be good with them. After spending weeks trying to find a place to get one, I finally found my little Winston about an hour and a half away. Such a good choice!!
I ended up with Ruby, when the breeder had brought her and her two brothers in for vaccines. I had convinced myself I didn't need one and my boss said "oh, come on, go take another look. Macsen, I found at the animal shelter when I went with my boss to look for a poodle type dog for her. So in both cases it was my bosses fault
I`ve always loved animals, especially dogs and horses. So when I got old enough I started to study animals, worked at a vet, and when I was 14 years I started working with horses at a big stable near my home-town. And of course; where there`s horses theres dog!! and this stable had 5 welsh corgi`s (pembroke). At first I didnt have anything with them, I mean they were cute, but look at there legs ;-) So then I started studying animal husbandry. My love for dogs grew, but my mom and dad never wanted a dog, so I had to wait until I was living on my own. After studying animal husbandry for 4 years, and being specialisted in Dog behaviour, and teaching at a big dog school, my parents were nice enough to let me have a dog. And After working with that hors-stable with the 5 corgi`s for 4 years, how else could I not chose a corgi:-) I really really fell in love with the bread. And a long came Phelan, a very macho lovely dog!!!

Love everybody`s stories by the way!!
How did we end up with a corgi? It's my mother in laws doing. It's kind of sad, but she was (to me anyway) obviously wrapping up her life. She was getting things prepared for her departure from this earth and one of the things she did was she transferred all the family movies to DVD. We had recently had to put our 14 year old Sheltie mix to sleep and then here come these DVDs in the mail. They covered my mother in laws life from before she married my husbands father to when my husband graduated from high school. On the DVD were movies that included the Pembroke's that they had when my husband was a little boy when they lived in South Africa. That's what planted the seed. My husband would say "you know it's really quiet in the house without Missy. It would be nice to have a Pem. Corgi's are such nice dogs." I got online and did some research and a Pembroke seemed to be a good fit for my lifestyle. I'm quite active and wanted to take the dog along with me. Plus I'd always wanted to do agility and the Pembroke was a good breed for that. We decided to take the plunge so we started sending e-mails to breeders regarding puppies. One response we got was from Joan Guertin. She said "Are you really set on a puppy? Because I think I have the perfect dog for you." Joan was living in Springfield, Missouri at the time so we traveled down to meet her Pembroke Welsh Corgi's. Turned out that Joan was right! She DID have the perfect dog for us. And that's how we got Taffy (Hi-Desert Stormy Weather NA NAJ NAP NJP).

Taffy and I trained for agility and took general canine good citizen classes (more for me than her, I'd never trained a dog before and Taffy had been the demo-dog at Joan's training school). But as time went along, Taffy became "Daddy's girl". I'm a poor second to Daddy now. When he enters the room, she lights up like a rocket! It got to the point at agility trials that I couldn't make SCT because she'd stop in the middle of a run to get a bead on Daddy. She had to keep track of him. She'll even go off course to find him on occasion. After taking Taffy to an agility seminar and getting some advice from the instructor, we made the decision to get a dog for me and Taffy would only run with Daddy from now on. When she runs for Daddy she's happy and focused. When she runs for me she's distracted. The writing was on the wall. She was definately Daddy's girl so what I needed was a Momma's boy!

By this time I'd met a few Cardigans and really liked that breed too. Again we started sending out e-mails. We contacted Cardigan breeders in the area, described our lifestyle and household and low and behold we once again found the perfect dog! I don't know how we managed to do it (yes I do, we relied on the breeder to pick out the right dog for us), but we found two great corgi's from two great breeders in our area. It's wonderful, the breeders are wonderful, the dogs are wonderful and I wouldn't be without them. We have tons of fun. We do agility, herding, tracking, rally, we take them hiking, camping, kayaking and to my marathons, trail runs and adventure races. I can't imagine life without them anymore.

I know exactly what you mean about Corgi's not being "common". My Dudley boy is a blue merle Cardigan and people are quite taken with him. We cannot take him for a walk without being stopped every few yards being asked "what kind of a mix is he?" We've learned a lot of history about the Pembroke and the Cardigan so we can explain what a Pembroke is, what a Cardigan is, what coats each breed comes in, what the structural differences are, etc. And it's great because we have a fine example of each breed for illustration! We couldn't have found better ambassadors.

Hi Cheri,
Dudley is definitely a one very attractive Cardi I've ever seen! Just love his colour and markings! Where did you get all those clothes and hat?
Me and my husband were looking to get a dog right after we got married. We now had a home and a yard and were excited about getting a new puppy. The Corgi was perfect for us. Good family dog, smart, could be a in the house dog, and all around great pet.
I first came across Corgis on the internet. I new about them but never looked into them. I had a website (blog) I went to regularly and the blogger had a Corgi mix and it was soo cute. After seeing one run on TV and how cute their little legs were, I fell in love with the breed. The Corgis face is so sweet and dog-like. It looks like a breed I used to have as a little girl and my husband thinks he may have had a mixed breed of Corgi when he was a kid too. So, after checking into several sites and looking for a Corgi puppy, we found a breeder in Houston. She had a 7 month old Corgi (she had named him Dibbley...we didn't like that so we named him DUKE :-P ) and he had a little limp. After talking about it, we decided it may be easier to take in a more adult dog than a new puppy. He was soo sweet, quiet and seemed to love us immediately.
We brought him home and now he's our baby!
He had some surgery on his left leg. He had a short limb (which Corgis are prone to getting) which was fixed and now he can run and jump with no pain and we are so glad we got him to fix him up and take care of him and make him a whole doggie again. How awful we would have felt if someone else got him and didn't get him straightened out? Corgis love to run too much. I think he knows we fixed him and is happy his leg is working again :-)
Now he is a year and 5 months and makes us a happy family of 3!!
I had never had a dog before I was 15. We had some new neighbors move in and they were outside one day with their dogs and one of their dogs was a corgi. I fell in love with the breed instantly. I begged and begged my parents to get a dog after that...I left pictures of corgis everywhere for my dad (even in his underwear drawer :) ) ...he said that he would only get a dog with a tail....however a few weeks later he dropped me off at one of my friend's stables where as he was leaving he saw another corgi...he than caved and we got our first corgi Gidget..... however a few years later we were at the vet and were walking out of the exam room and in the waiting room was another corgi from corgi rescue.... (my dad has a tendency to cave when he sees the animal) so I begged my dad to get another corgi and he caved we ended up adopting a 12 year old male corgi....who we had for 4 years!!!! We finally had to put him to sleep at the age of 16. It was really hard on everyone especially me and my dad....however a month in a half later I told my parents that I was buying my own corgi that I would take when I would move out and thats how we ended up with Toby. After we got Toby Gidget seemed so much happier since we put Cody to sleep so my dad wanted to get another puppy that would stay with them after Toby leaves and that is how we got Gus... However Toby and Gus follow each other everywhere and are now I get both Toby and Gus when I move out. So my dad went from wanting a dog with a tail to getting corgis without telling my mom....
Hi Mel, like your story! Maybe your dad can get his next corgi with a tail! I have 2 corgis with tails intact. I'd love to have one without a tail one day :)
How did I get my first corgi? It's a cute and sad story. The summer before I was in third grade (1989), my brother brought home the cutest poof of fuzz I had ever seen. He had traded a Kirby vacuum he was selling for the little puppy. I was immediately smitten with the little doggy. Courtney was 'shared' with my brother's girlfriend's family for the first month and then we got her for a little while full time. Then my brother decided to sell her. I was completely heartbroken and I still can see her running around our front yard before those people picked her up.

I was smitten with corgis and all I could talk about was corgis in the two years that ensued. In the winter of 1992, my friend pointed out a corgi for free in the paper. I immediately looked up the phone number, and sure enough it was my Courtney. We picked her up that weekend. We couldn't let her go anywhere else.

This is the sad part. She weighed about fifteen pounds, was scared of children and other items, and had a horrid hair condition. She ran away from us several times. We fed her, cleaned her up, and worked with her to show her she could trust us. Finally she did. She was my best friend until 2001, when she passed away from lung cancer.

After that, I knew I would get another corgi just had to wait for the right time. After I graduated, my now husband wanted to move to Wyoming. I told him that I would move only if he would buy me a corgi puppy. Two months later I was moving to Wyoming with a little furball Pandora in tow.

If you look at my profile, there is a poem I wrote for Courtney the day she died.

Avyon - **Anime corgi = Ein from Cowboy Bebop **(one of my favorite Animes!)
oh yea! cowboy bebop is a great anime in itself :) I would recommend it to anyone with a corgi or no lol
Years before most of you were born there was a Disney movie on television called "Little Dog Lost" I fell in love with the corgi named "Candy" . We always had dogs but never a purebred. Just a little more than two years ago when my brother's dog died I decided it was my turn to get the dog I always wanted.
I thought about corgi puppies but they were expensive. I met a breeder at my vet's office and she told me she had an adult corgi she had to find a home for. That is how I got Duchess a seven year old spayed female. I waited forty years for her. Duchess is the best dog, with all her quirks, I just can't tell you how much she means to me.
Ah... Little Dog Lost. One of the best forgotten Disney movies ever. My uncle recorded it for us, so I have it on tape. The little girl's voice really annoys my husband.

CANDY! CANDY! Watch out for that nasty broom.


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