For people in the Arizona area! Please read. (:


Hey everyone,

This has got to be the worst week, ever. My 12 month old son has been getting hives that I had thought to be related to our Corgi boy, Rowdy. Every time my son was licked on a hand or the face, hives started appearing, and now after allergy testing, my worst fear has been realized that along with nuts and milk..a Dog allergy. ):

I always thought that if I had a child allergic to dog, we would find ways to work something out, but my son's hives are getting progressively worse and his eyes are now getting swollen and involved..


I am sure you all know the Corgi's need to have a job and be part of the family, so the thought of isolating Rowdy from my son, when they both love each other so much, is cruel to both of them. ): And we are not allowed to have outside dogs on Base, not to mention the temperatures in Yuma can get up to 110+ in the summer.

So here we are..

Rowdy is a 3 1/2  year old Neutered tri-colored pem. We got him very young from a corgi breeder, and it states in our puppy contract that if we cannot find a suitable new home for him, we have to return him to the breeder, and that is what we plan to do if we can't find a great home. But first, I wanted to see if any of you all who know the breed were interested. I am afraid many people will be interested in him because of how irresistibly adorable he is, and not realize how stubborn the breed it.


Rowdy lives up to his name 110%! In fact, he is the most playful dog I have ever been around. He loves to hike and go to the dog park. His best friends have been labs in the past, but he doesn't like big dogs that are rude and greet him face first before sniffing his booty. (: He will snap at a dog (Never bitten one though) at the park that gets in his face. The big dogs don't care much because he is such a shorty.. haha. Little dogs he has never had any problem with. He lived with an older cat for 2 years, and they did great. Loved to herd the poor guy, though!


He is on Wellness Whitefish and Sweet potato due to food allergies.. This dog cannot be on commercial dog food unless you are willing to deal with vomiting and vet bills! The 30lb bag is roughly 38-40, and it lasts about a month or so. He was previously on blue buffalo, but we had to switch due to a developed allergy.. He is doing FANTASTIC on the Whitefish and sweet potato, though. (:


He isn't the MOST well behaved.. He knows "Get out" "Get in your crate" "Get down" "Sit" "Lay Down" "Shake" "Go Potty".. Pretty much he gets what you are trying to say.. He is a really wonderful dog. ): He loves my son and is a great guard dog. He will go for his heels sometimes, which is a herding instinct.. So probably older kids that will be able to tell him "Uh Uh" when he tries to do that will be best, as he doesn't go for any adult's heels. A few months ago we had someone try to break in while we were away, but they left the door knob hanging off, probably because Rowdy has such a mean, large dog sounding bark. (:

We keep him out of the crate all day, even when we leave. He hasn't ever messed with anything in the house but his bones and hooves since his puppy stage long ago, and has never had an accident in the house since puppyhood. We let him out throughout the day.. He loves to dig after the gophers and lay in the sun. He will bark at people who walk by the fence, but mostly he isn't all that bark happy. The exception is he hates vacuums and will bark at those!


He is up to date on all shots, even kennel cough.. Just got him shots 2 weeks ago.. His rabies is good for another year. He is micro chipped because we are military, but honestly.. I don't know much about changing that sort of information, the base made us do it when he was a pup.


He is really loving, but very mouthy. He makes a growling noise when he wants you to pet him.. Some people think it is mean sounding, but he is really just 'talking' and complaining. He will DEMAND pets if he doesn't get them right away! He sees my husband as the pack leader, and likes to cuddle with me.. I think he would bond well with a female. He has been around two other corgis briefly, and loves to FRAP around. (: He does jump on people.. Not me and my husband, because I turned my legs away, but he will do it if you don't teach him that you are not to be jumped on. He likes to lay on furniture, but will move when asked. Great listener, loves to work for food. He has 1 dewclaw that has been removed twice, but keeps growing back. (: He is such a goofball!

He weighs 32lbs, the vet wants him to get to 30.. But after our cat passed, he was a bit depressed and got to 35lbs! So he is getting back into shape!

Rowdy and I have been through a lot.. Two deployments, a pregnancy, helping entertain my son with his antics. (: It breaks my heart to have to choose between my son and my best friend.


He is the DESTROYER of stuffed toys! Don't even bother.. Unless you want to watch him demolish them for sport. He can destroy one in seconds flat..! So we just give him the flavor stuffed real bones and hooves and pig ears.. Things he can ingest. He isn't big on rawhide.


So yeah, if anyone is interested, please let me know. If you have questions, please let me know as well.




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Good luck...I'm sorry you have to do this! Two things...I don't know about your breeder but if they have a contract I would contact them. I have taken 2 pups back and found them wonderful homes and actually have a list for people wanting adult dogs from me. If they are a good breeder they will really work at finding the perfect home for your dog. I also update my previous owners on the dogs updates...which helps them feel good about returning them also. I would be devastated if someone rehomed one of my pups instead of going through me!

If you do look for a new home on your own...please check vet and personal references!!!!!

He is sooooooo handsome:)

Wow! Rowdy is a handsome fella. So sorry that this situation came up. Good luck and God bless.

So sad...I hope you can find a great home for him.  

are you still seeking a home?  (is there a cost?)  I can post this to my FB friends who are real corgi and doggie lovers if you are still looking.  We have 3 corgi rescues or we'd love to have Rowdy!!   Our guys are pretty spoiled and he'd fit right in but our assoc. will only allow for 3.  darn!  he's adorable!!  let me know!  :)  Oh, we'd have to get him up to Phoenix...

There is no cost, and he is still looking for a home. I just want him to go to a loving home that knows a thing or two about Corgis so that they don't decide that they cannot deal with the energy level/shedding of the breed. If you would forward this to your corgi friends in Phoenix, we would really appreciate it! We would definitely be willing to drive him to Phoenix to meet a family.

Hi Shannon, I am so sorry to hear about your son's allergies. I'm sure is it a very difficult thing to take his dog away from him. My heart goes out to you. My husband and I would be interested in adopting Rowdy if you have not found a good home for him yet. We have had corgis since 1997 and there is no other breed as far as we are concerned. We have 2 right now, Dixie(9) and Rugby will be 2yrs next Sunday. Rugby also has food allergies so feeding a second dog Hypoallergenic food wouldn't be a problem. I work at a vet clinic so what ever my kids need they get. I do have cats that love the dogs so it's good to hear he knows cats too. We live in Tucson. Please contact me If you are interested.

I'm happy to say that Rowdy is going to meet up with a family soon and see how it goes from there. (: Thank you all for your kind words. Hoping it is a good fit, we will see!

Good luck, I hope you are able to find a good family for him...   I know it must be heart-breaking for you and your family ;-(

I am so sorry you have to do this. I can tell by your post how heart-broken you are. I hope you find him a wonderful home.

wow!!  It sounds like  you may have your answer!!   Rowdy might have 2 new siblings in Tucson and a good corgi mamma!  :) :)

If all other plans don't follow through I would definitely be interested in adopting Rowdy!:)


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