for those of you who have had your significant others deploy, how did your pets deal with the separation? Baden is so attached to my other half and im worried about how he will deal with it. 6months is a long time and everyday he looks forward to her coming home and waits by looking out the window once 3pm hits as she comes home around 4 and with her not coming back im wondering how or what I can do to make this easier on him and me as well. when shes at work he get depressed the moment she leaves. he loves me and we have a great bond but with her I feel like it runs deeper as shes has these certain chase games he will only play with her and shes also the one who taught him many commands. He also he starts to become very protective when its just me by myself, like when out on walks he is observant of everyone and watches them closely and if theres someone near by he will stand n front of me with his hair raised until I let him know they are not a threat by saying "its ok" he also reacts to every noise outside and will growl and bark until he sees whats making the noise but when shes here with us he could care less. so im wondering what stages of emotions hes going to go through during this time and shes wondering how he will be when she finally comes home. I keep telling her that he will not forget her and will be happy to see her but she feels like he will be angry with her and want nothing to do with her. so what have u experienced with this? what did u do to get through this tough time and what did u do to comfort your pets?
my cat could care less though lol
thank you for understanding, everyday I wake up and that's the first thing that pops into my head so I keep trying to stay as busy as possible.
but o my goodness a year?! that must of been incredibly hard :(
Yeah, it was. I was a whole 19 at the time. I'm just glad that our service members and their families have support from all those around them. It was a lot different back then.
Im sorry you have to be separated for so long! I agree with the others that I think some just don't have the experience to have their input in.
I was actually away from Roxi for about a little over a year and my now husband took care of her. She did the same thing for a while. Wouldn't eat, stayed by the door, was moody. I think those are just dog traits of a "pack" member being away. Also the whole not eating thing.
Unless they are really really really sick they will eat when they are hungry enough so I wouldn't worry too much if a few meals are left alone. Just leave it out and wait. Roxi went all picky eater when we brought Charlie home and she realized she wasn't the only dog anymore lol. She ate after she got hungry enough. Also don't try to compensate with treats haha I made that mistake for a little while and she started to learn that if she didnt eat she got goodies ;) (they're sneaky like that!)
After a while though they start getting into their own routine again. It can take some time but they figure it out and if the door is the new waiting spot then just let that become normal. I know its hard but we sometimes put our own emotions on our pups.
Exercise and play is always helpful and I agree with the stinky clothes/familiar smells. Skype is a wonderful thing these days and sending photos to the human is a must ;) Missing family works both ways! ;_;
Sorry if this isn't helpful! I just wanted to share my thoughts/experience in hopes it helps a tiny bit.
you are being very helpful :) so no worries lol your right, we do put are emotions into our pups and when they stop eating we cant help but be concerned but im hoping that after a week or so his eating habits will change from not eating for days to his normal routine especially when ill be taking him hiking and to the dog park pretty much everyday, im sure with all that exercise he will work up a good appetite ;)
its hard to imagine him and I waiting for a year for her return, I cant imagine how incredibly hard that must be. there was a time where she left for texas for month and it took him pretty much that whole month to get used to her being gone and he got so protective of me that it made me a bit nervous to walk him with a lot of people around but after some time and encouraging words to let him know everything was fine he realized he didn't have to be so protective.
right now all I can think of is 6months seems like forever and each day its bringing it closer and I think baden can sense my restlessness as he seems to be more nervous than usual. im trying to comfort him as well as myself so this is already very hard for both of us
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