I didn't take a lot of puppy pictures, but I put this together to show how a RHT color changes. Do you have pics of your adult dog and their baby pictures to compare? And yes I let her get a little chubby. She is at a nice slim weight today. (we'll see about tomorrow)

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Those EARS!! I think a Cardigan Tail stream is in order!!

Beautiful corgi John:)))

Where Is Gwynnie? Al is very handsome, regal, royal...and a good brother.

What's this I hear about Butters?...

I LOVE threads like this!  What beautiful pups everyone has!

the pics are great!these are of Benson at 2 yrs.& at 12 wks.

It seems like the color of Pembrokes changes a lot, but a Cardigan's color changes very little. Is this generally the case? I also believe a corgi puppy is the cutest thing on the planet.

For the most part what you see is what you get with cardigans. There may be a few cases where a black puppy turns out to actually be black brindle or something like that, but in general they don't have the drastic changes like the pems.

im going to post pics of when teddy was a pup and then as he got older(R.I.P) and then badens progression as hes the RHT

heres teddy at 7 weeks

at 14 weeksat 5 monthsat 8 monthsjust shy a couple days before he turned 2

now here are some photos of baden. u can really see the red coming out

he was 4weeks in this photo5weeks8weeks10 weeks12 weeks14weeks16weeks5monthshim today at 5 1/2months who says boys dont look cute with bows ;)

I laugh so hard at the 12 w

We really hoped Kadi would remain sable, but her breeder told us she would go red. Of course, she was right.

4 weeks, then 8 weeks, then 6 months:


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