I heard Lance snorting, turned around and found his nose crammed in an empty glass. I had earlier drank iced Monster Energy Drink out of it because it had gotten warm. I laid the glass down behind my desk to take to kitchen when I finished homework. Turns out Lance was huffing the fumes...looks like it worked for him, though I have not ever seen this out of any other dog before...

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Looks like typical corgi behavior to me!  lol     LANCE is a handsome fellar!

Wow! That's amazing!!!!!!!

LOL! I guess I'd be careful about the energy drinks, tho...if he's actually lapping it up, the caffeine might not be very good for him.

Yeah, not like a corgi needs more energy ;)
To be clear it was an empty, even dry glass. I thought it was funny that he was sniffing inside the glass and wanted to share.

Welp...that is surely a spaced out corgi!


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