We had to let our Max go yesterday.  His left leg was useless and the right one was failing rapidly.  He hated both the sling and the cart.   The last several days he was losing control of his bladder, he had also lost 6 lbs in a month tho he was still eating the same.  The tumors in his neck had enlarged a bit after being shrunk by the prednisone but we have no idea what they were doing inside of him.

We realized Friday night that what we kept saying to each other was our denial of what things were.  It was not fair to him, his quality of life was not what it should have been.

I know he is waiting for me.  He is running and chasing his ball, he is herding the cats that have gone before him.

We love you Max, thank you for the years of love and joy you brought to our lives.

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"give the other doctor the courtesy of giving us the results"  That is amazing! How about giving the worried patient some courtesy? They had the results on WEDNESDAY and they couldn't be bothered to let you know?

That is inconsiderate beyond belief.

Linda, great to hear that nothing serious is going on! But I hope they are able to come up with some reason for and treatment for all your husband's discomfort!!?? Hopefully something easy to fix!? I'm sure you are both frustrated after all these tests!

Vicky....our PCP has stepped in several times including getting tests scheduled that the gastro doc said he wanted done but did nothing to get them scheduled.  I went in for an appointment and they asked how my husband was, I told them and by the time I was done with my appointment they had the test scheduled for my husband for that afternoon while we were still waiting on the gastro doc to even call us.  Our PCP gave me enough info by telling us that because there was NO emergency she needed to let him tell us the results.  She also said if there had been anything serious she would have called us immediately and I know she would have, she has been thru all of this since the beginning and we wouldn't even be this far along if it wasn't for her.

It sounds so difficult! I'm sorry you and he are having to go through all this. Sometimes dealing with the medical system is worse than the ailment! <3  Get well soon, and prayers that whatever it is will go away on its own!!

Linda, hope your husband has found some relief!?? I had my gallbladder taken out on Thursday! It wasn't so bad, just glad it's over! :)

Laura....glad to hear you are rid of the worrisome thing!  Prayers for a speedy and easy recovery.

The MRI with contrast he had showed finally what they are 98% sure is the problem...Crohn's Disease.  The fistula is between the small and large intestines.  They will do a colonoscopy and take a biopsy to be sure.  The only good thing is that it's in his intestines instead of the colon.  In the colon is the real bad one...like the commercial says where the first thing you do when you go some place you look for the bathroom.  Thankfully he hasn't had that problem at all.  They may do meds to heal the fistula or go in and remove the fistula...in/out the same day with a 6 week recovery.  At least we finally have an ulcer.  Not easy for a guy who has been disgustingly healthy for his entire 62 years.

Thank you for thinking of us!

I am so glad they finally found the problem for him at least! I hope whichever route they take he gets relief ... And relief for some of the stress on you too! Please keep us updated! Haha and I love your description of him being "disgustingly healthy" - I try to be the same so I can relate. I don't think I was the typical gallbladder patient that's for sure.

I just saw this, and I'm a bit late...  I am so very sorry for your loss.  My heart goes out to you, and I feel your pain. <3
Run Free, Max. <3

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Sending lots of love your way! 

I'm sorry about you guys losing a family member this way. His suffering is done and knew nothing but love from you, my condolences!

...and never forget that the darkest hour is always just before the breakfast.....

My wife and I know the sudden hole one experiences in life after the loss of a furry family member. Our sympathy and prayers for you and your family. We will have to face loosing Betty in too few years (11 years old). But God has always opened our hearts and lives to another baby needing a home and tlc. Maybe our furry babies know more about life and how to live it than we do.


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