Max is 10 months old now. He has been doing so well with all his schedules and behavior. He had a sleeping schedule, which worked well with ours, he was eating well and on schedule and he was obeying very well. Then on the 2nd of Sept. we had him nutered. He was sore and cranky for the first few days and just wanted to rest. Then he got his spunk back and then some!! Does nutering cause a puppy to revert back to their younger days? He is acting like he was when he first came to us. He is extremely hyper all through out the day, won't hardly sit still for a second, wants to eat constantly and especially late at night. He won't sleep anywhere near our schedule and is barking and talking back to us all the time. We are trying to be very patient with him and work on getting him back to being a good little boy. I was just wondering if anyone knew if nutering had that effect or could it be something else.