Does anyone else have a Corgi that barks, bites, or growls at the vacuum or lawn mower?
Midgee FREAKS OUT when I pull out the upright vac or the hand-held vac. He does the same thing when my husband starts up the lawn mower. He'll be inside, looking out the window, and when he sees or hears the lawn mower, he starts barking and won't stop!

Currently, I close the blinds when the lawn mower is being used.
When I vacuum, I put him in the spare bedroom until I'm done.
He doesn't bark from there (thankfully) and doesn't scratch to get out.

Any suggestions would be great!

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Sandy does it, too, for both vacuum and lawn mower. If the vac is out and we are anywhere near it, she will guard us and attack it. Funny little thing. We put her in a different room for both. She also hates and attacks the ironing board and iron because it makes steam wushing noises. Once the initial vac start-up is over, she becomes used to the noise and retreats to her favorite bean bag to watch. When she attacks the vacume, I let her know I disaprove "NO, SANDY." She will leave it alone. it's confusing for her, though, because my husband encourages the behavior by wiggling vacuum parts around to initiate her attack response.
Yahhhh!!! Coby goes CRAZY after vacuum! Every time i say "vacuum" he stops whatever he's doing and waiting in front of the vacuum and barks and bites and growls at vacuum. i don't know what's up with vacuum and coby. BUT it's not ONLY coby. ^^
Al & Gwynnie have turned vacuuming into a contact sport, like ice hockey but more violent. All the plastic nozzles are full of teeth marks. I MUST crate them or put them outside to clean -- so sad, depriving them of their favorite sport. Gwynnie's like this with the garden hose. I'd suggest crating. I just have to let them kill the vacuum a few times before I put it away. Maybe if he knows he'll get a turn eventually, he won't be so frantic.

Once, as a puppy, before I fenced the yard, Gwynnie ran off at night. Wasn't responding, returning, or barking. After some time, I started to panic, then : opened basement door, turned on shop-vac, Gwynnie had her teeth into the nozzle within 20 seconds.
Good morning! Yes I understand - I have currently have two Corgis and they do not like Vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers or even the hand mixer I use in the kitchen. Something about motors.... noise??
Both of mine are ten years old so it is just something I have learned to adapt to. I make sure they aren't outside when my husband or any else mows. When I vacuum I either let put them in the garage or outside til I'm finished.
Barney also doesn't like the smell of mint and he will go and hide if someone is chewing gum, has minty lip gloss on, etc.

You gotta love em! :)
Good luck,
Both Violet and Magnus do the same thing - who knew the vacuum was a terrible monster who must be stopped (smile). We put them outside - we just bought a house and haven't had to mow the lawn before, so I appreciate the heads up that they might act the same way with a lawnmower.
My two bark like crazy at the vacumn!! I make them go away from it but they still usually get in one or two woofs to put it in it's place!
Sadie (my corgi) hasn't started that yet but my other dog definitely does that.

I read somewhere that the motion you use to vacuum, the forward and backward motion looks as though you are fighting with the vacuum; so between the fighting motion and the sounds the dogs are trying to bite it to protect you. that is just what I read somewhere, but it makes sense to me!
Finnigan will hide from the vacuum and if it gets close to him he will bark and back away. We also have a little hand held vac that as soon as we turn it on he will bark. I think it makes a more high pitch noise that he hates more than the regular vacuum. We've let him sniff them both but he still hates them. We'd love to break him of that habit.
We all sounds like we are in the same crazy, and loud, boat. Molly goes crazy with the vacuum, ironing board, lawn mower, broom, or mop. She chases and bits the vacuum. Bits at the wheels, crabs the hoses, tried to bit the cord. It's awful for both of us, we both get really stressed out. My husband and son leave me with the dog when I take out the vacuum. They are suddenly doing yard work or something that requires them to leave the house. I've tried just leaving the vacuum out, I thought the thrill would be gone if she got used to it. That didn't work. She barked at it and wouldn't stop.

It's just one if those personality quirks that we love about her and have accepted.


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