We were wondering if anyone has used this on their corgi's? We were thinking about getting one and using it for walking Midas around campus. Has anyone had success with this? If not, what other options have you used to get your corgi to stop pulling on walks?

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I use it for Bernie on occasion. It does take the dog some getting used to, I recommend bringing lots of treats to help encourage them to forget about the head halter a bit. I also would recommend trying it on a trail outside or something so they have something else to focus on other than trying to rub the halter off.

Don't tug or pull on the leash while the halter is on. It is self-correcting and you won't need to do that if the dog begins pulling, it'll automatically pull them around.
I just ordered their other product, the EasyWalk Harness, still waiting for it to come in hte mail, buti sure hope it works!


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