I was wondering if someone could recommend some healthy snacks for Bubba since like most Corgis he's most food motivated. He jumps off the couch, he'll sit expecting a treat for his feat. He'll go out back and pee, come back to me expecting a treat. In the evenings we have a little snack before bed and I try to minimize his caloric intake by giving him boiled chicken or a dozen unsalted green beans. Of course, he wants what I have instead!! My little snack may be chips and dip which is not healthy for me and certainly not for him. Unfortunately he's not an advocate of fruit as I've tried apples, bananas and even broccoli and he turns his nose up. His regular treats are Old Mother Hubbard or some treats by Mother Nature (Natura), or Wellness Bars.

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I love Trader Joes! I'll check it out next time. I've also never seen liver/.cranberry, it sounds great. You can keep a small pile near your chips and Bubba won't know the difference :-)
Yea, we love trader joes too!! At our trader joes, they only carry the beef liver (red) bag. We usually go to the other stores to get the chicken Liver (yellow bag) - Petsmart, Petco, local pet discount store. the Cranberry/Chicken liver flavor we got at Petco awhile back on sale because they ran out of hte yellow bag.

Bailey loves em all! =D haha
Charlie Bears? Never head of those but I'll look into those at PetsMart.
Yepp! they sure have them at Petsmart, just a little more expensive than Trader Joes - $4/bag.
I just picked up a bag of the turkey liver/cranberry ones last night! Such a good deal and Gibson lovvves them :)
I can't find them locally. I checked PetsMart and another Pet Supply place we go and neither one had them. I suppose I'll have to get them on line someplace.
Here's the website:

I misspelled it...It is Charlee Bear! Made in the USA too.....WOOT!
I was just looking over the Charlee Bear's ingredients and all of them seem to have one thing in common-garlic powder. Isn't this a no-no for Corgis? I use to give Bubba a few Doritos now and then and I checked out the ingredients and it too had garlic powder in it and it seems I've read this is not good for them. Is that a correct assumption or is it just garlic cloves?
I've noticed many treats have garlic, but some folks say garlic isn't good. Maybe it is only a quantity thing (or the whole cloves). I've given my dogs and cats food with garlic all their lives and they have lived to ripe old ages.

Besides, I think he's have to eat a LOT of Charlee Bears to get enough garlic to make him sick ;-)
It's probably the quantity as there are many foods, kibble and treats that have this. Come to think of it, until recently Natura had garlic in Innova but they've taken it out and added pumpkin instead. I found this out from one of the girls at the store where I buy his Innova. He's eaten the "old"Innova for over a year with the garlic and there's been no problem.
Rhys and Andy have been eating Charlee Bears for quite a while. I, too, love that they are very low-cal per treat. I would usually toss them 1 or 2 each when we came in from walks.

Personally, I think the chicken liver (yellow bag) ones smell bad...haha...so I get the egg and cheese ones (green bag) and the turkey liver and cranberry (pink bag). Definitely check prices - they can vary wildly from different stores...I'm going to have to check out Trader Joe's myself. I've been buying them at PetSmart.
Ginny loves the treats by Grandma Lucy's... they are like little Teddy Graham shapes and come in flavors like pumpkin and ginger and blueberry. I break each one into tiny little bits and only give her a nibble. I can break each little cookie into five or six pieces and she's still motivated. I don't believe they're very high in fat either. If you dole them out like that, a bag lasts for a long time.


Ginny loves the pumpkin. This is one of her favorite treats (her other is these little bits of lamb stuffed with sweet potato.... but those are only once-in-a-while treats) and Ginny is maintaining her svelte figure! If you like giving lots of treats during the day, make sure the treats are healthy and just cut back a bit on Bubba's food (you can supplement a little with green beans if you like, to make him "feel" full without many added calories).


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