Does anyone have ideas for what to do with a corgi who needs more exercise? Let me explain a bit. I live in Minnesota with two corgis and my husband. It is currently 7 degress and with the wind chill it is about -5. I can't take them for a walk, it is just too cold for them They go outside and play a bit, but I don't want to leave them out there too long. When it was about -30 they started hopping around because their feet got too cold on their potty break. When it is warmer they do get walks outside.

During the day they get their food in a rolling kong and they also get a peanut butter kong while at work. They haven't learned to share food, so I can't give them an activity toy with food when they are free unless I want a disagreement. Ed completely shreds any toys we give him, so we only give them stuffed toys when they are closely supervised. Basically, they need more exericse so they sleep through the night a bit better, but I don't know what else to do. We don't have a treadmill, nor can we afford one. Any advice would be great.

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My favorite indoor activities are fetch, chase, and keep-away! Fetch is, well, fetch.. Chase, I just chase Gibson around the house until he's worn out.. and keep-away is a silly thing we do, where he chases a wrapper, toy, or sometimes just my hands around my back and through my legs (this is his favorite game! he gets so crazy over it!). My tip for outside that I ran into when it was -15degrees here was to run every other really warmed us up and kept us going!
Do you put booties on your dog? Our problem is we end up walking on the road, so I worry about salt etc. We don't have any booties so I don't know how they would react for sure.
Nope, just bare feet..he sometimes gets too cold so i pick him up and rub his feet and then he's good to go.. I heard there is foot wax for dogs that is good to protect from salt.
Foot wax is awesome. The hot gravel in the summer used to crack and dry Didi's feet but the foot wax definitely helped.
Lasar light tag. We use it in a place where Max can run laps so to speak. I try to walk him everyday but last Monday was just too cold. So we played chase the laser light. really wore Max out.
Just be careful about not overdoing the laser game. I don't know if it's an urban myth or what, but I've heard that dogs and cats can become obsessive about it. Think about it too, there's no gratification in it for them, since they can never 'catch' the laser and 'win', unlike in fetch and tug, where there's something tactile for them to interact with. Psychologically, this game can't be that great for them.
My friend does the laser game with his dog, but whenever it seems that he might be getting distressed being unable to catch the laser... he drags the laser point to the ground in front of him and stomps on the light while turning the laser off. His dog gets happy and thinks daddy just smashed bright red bug.
That's probably a great trick and solution to the problem. The trick would be just to keep an eye out for those distressed signs. Thanks for the idea Josh.
I don't know if many other corgis are like this, but Kiwi loves to try and catch her ball, she doesn't like to play "fetch" but my husband and i bounce it on the floor and she tries to chase it, she jumps for it and runs back and forth, then we bounce it up on the couch, where she jumps up, grabs it and jumps down. I know it sounds stupid, but when it's too cold/rainy to go outside it does a pretty good job of wearing her out. The only problem is that she barks a lot, other than that it's fun.

We also practice all of her tricks with her and try to teach her new ones, stimulating her brain like that really helps calm her down. Hope this helps a little. Good luck and stay warm!
WOW -- that's really cold. We play fetch down a hallway or chase each other around the house. I put a mat down so she doesn't slide into the door when she's running full tilt. You might also consider teaching them different tricks. Rollover and jumping through a hoop is always fun. Teaching them tricks together at first can be tricky:) only because they will both want the treats. Work with them one on one until they have the rollover mastered then put them together and have them rollover together. I guarantee the whole experience will not only wear them out but you too! It's amazing how much energy the pups will use up learning different tricks. Good Luck!
Fetch, chase the laser pointer, and if they are wearing you out (this totally works on seamus) sit on the floor and pull whatever toy they were chasing around you in circles. If you're fast enough they'll chase that thing forever.
Thanks for the great ideas. Last night my husband and I both grabbed a squeaker and ran to different rooms of the house so the puppies would have to chase and find us. It worked pretty well. We do training with both of them. Ed is more at the beginner stage but we've gotten Ein to where he can almost roll over on command-I'm doing something to confuse him so it isn't quite consistent.

I also gave them an empty paper towel roll for them to shred. They had lots of fun and I didn't have to worry about them eating a squeaker. They even thought me cleaning it up was a game. Silly puppies, they sure put a smile on my face.


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