I am having problem housebreaking Max. I have tried every way known to man except popping him on the butt and rubbing his nose in it.We go for walks,long walks, nothing. The minute we get home he does both and although we have pee pads not on them. Does anyone have a suggestion? We need some help.

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Does it seem like he knows he did something wrong? Do you pick him up when you see him going inside and run outside w/him to finish (and then reward him for it)? Do you use pet odor eliminator on the spot? What techniques do you try to correct him with?
For sure don't spank him or rub his nose in it. That's archaic and don't work, believe me.Corgis are well in tune to our feelings and can be devastated by emotional or physical punishment. I had a female Samoyed as my first dog and each time I came home, she would pee on the floor and although I left newspapers for her during the day(no pee pads 40 years ago) she would still prefer to poop elsewhere 50% of the time. I did what you want to do and it did no good at all. That's all I knew to do back then.

No expert at this but I had great luck with Bubba and when I have to leave him at home while working, I put him in the kitchen with two Nature's MIracle(the best) pee pads and he hits them 99% of the time. Watch his body language. Usually once you get in tune with that you'll know he needs to go outside. He may feel more comfortable going at home than on walks as there's too many distractions for some dogs while out and about. Here are a couple of links that could help although some of the info may not apply.



9mo to a year! He'll ruin my carpet by then!
Nah, it's way faster than a human baby :) The key is consistency, good eating schedule, good clean up, watch him like hawk and do NOT let him out of your eye sight. When you can't watch him, put him back into the crate, every time he have an accident, be calm, tell yourself you'll do better next time, don't be tempted to speed up the process, it'll only set you back. Follow my clean up recommendation in other threads. We all went through it, give it time :)
Kelly, we've tried what you suggested. Does no good. And YES! HE knows it's wrong!
perhaps you should try crate training - or confining him to the kitchen with use of gates so that if he does have an accident, it is easy cleanup? make sure u praise him plenty when he does go outside.
Been there ,done that.
Winston took FOREVER to potty train and still has problems. I was just consistent and tried to never get angry at him. What I did was, when I took him on walks, if he went pee or poop outside I would say YAY! and give him a small treat. I kept doing this every time, for months. I still say "YAY!" and he gets a treat when we get back inside. Also, living with another dog has helped him too because he sees Samson (his Great Pyrenees friend) go to the bathroom out in the back yard, and since he wants to be a big scary awesome dog like Samson, he'll do exactly what Samson does (it's really funny actually). Just stay persistent and if things don't change after a while, I would suggest seeing a vet. Maybe he has some sort of psychological thing? My boyfriends family's cat won't go in her litter box no matter what. It's some sort of nervous-anxiety thing.

Good luck!
Our baby, Bandit, had the same problem too. We got him at 10 weeks in October and he had so many accidents in the apartment in the first few weeks. We didn't have this problem with our previous corgi, so we were pretty frustrated. His record was 6 times in 1 day!! but that was because he got overly excited with visitors. =) Luckily, all of his accidents were just pee, no poo.

Even though it was very frustrating, we tried to be very consistent with him since day 1. Once he got used to the routine, he got so much better. We never yell at Bandit when he has an accident because it's not his fault. We just take him to finish outside and praise him. We clean up without him around and spray Nature's Miracle to eliminate the odor. We always take him out after a crazy play session and about 15 - 30 minutes after he drinks water. And we stick to the same spot for him to pee and poo so he associates that patch of grass with elimination. If he doesn't go when we take him outside, we would run around with him and that always does the trick. Now at 20 weeks, he sits at the door when he needs to go. He still has small accidents (a few drops) once awhile when he gets too excited, but i think it will get better as he gets older.

Renee, your puppy is still a little baby!! I think it will really help if you are consistent with him so that he learns your routine. Corgis are so super smart and will do anything to please you!! Find out what he likes and use that to bribe him. =). Most corgis are food-driven, maybe you can give him a treat every time he goes outside? Bandit is toy- and play-driven, so whenever we want him to do something, we just hold up a toy and give it to him once he does what we want. it's really cute. =)


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