I need help with my girls! My young Corgi, Beatrix was 6 weeks old when we got her. I have since realized she was too young, even though the vet and the breeder told me she was old enough (should have trusted my instincts.) We had signs of aggression with toys and food early on and tried to stop it using the "submissive" position with her. At 3 months, we adopted an abandoned corgi mix, O-ren who is a real sweetie! They have been best friends, but Beatrix always shows more aggression/frustration when both dogs are after the same toy. Recently, it has turned into dog aggression. Whenever we are inside, Beatrix attacks O-ren and seems terrified of us when we try to correct her. We now keep them both tethered inside. It's TERRIBLE! If they spot each other, they try to attack. We have to keep them tied up because it has resulted in some nasty dog bites to each other and to my husband and me. (This only happens inside our house)
I know we made mistakes with Beatrix, including taking her to training when she was too young. I feel like I've done EVERYTHING wrong and now I have a miserable dog. I feel terrible, but I have to do something. We can't keep them like this and I'm so afraid of having to get rid of one of them. If anyone has any ideas, I need help. I just want my dogs to be happy again!
(We also live in a rural area and there are no dog behavior professionals anywhere close. We are really on our own with this issue.)