Our little man is around the corner from his 5th birthday. Sometimes when we come home, he pants profusely as if we've run for 20 minutes. Hes not warm to the touch, but pants like a crazy person.

Does anyone else experience this with their corgis?

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Sounds like how a dog does with anixety to me, but it could be he is glad to see you. A different way of greeting you. Do you fuss over him when he is doing it? He may have picked up on that and is going for the extra attention.
That sounds about right. He is such a ham! (And a complete momma's boy)

Thanks for the response!! Your little corgi is too cute for words!
This is not "catching their breath" after exertion. I think it's more for cooling.
They can't sweat, remember. They cool by evaporation from their mouth (tongue hanging out). That's why Al looks like he's part anteater when he's been playing soccer.
Make sure they have enough water -- no drool, no cool.
I worry about heat prostration or heatstroke in hot sun above timberline, no shade.

How do you tell when a dog is overheated?
The only time I've ever seen my little man overheat (on my way home from my mothers) it was peak summer heat here in S.Florida- the whites of his eyes were yellowish-red, his gums were bright pink, and he was drooling profusely.

With his panting now, its nowhere near that. He's just super hyper, and panting like when we're playing. My husband had said he was all depressed when he came home today (I usually don't work Saturdays) so when I came home his "crazy-corginess" came out.

He always has water at his disposal. Which he gladly drinks, and proceeds to drip on us afterwards, as frequently as his heart desires.

Is your corgis tongue longer than his whole head? We swear Dyddy has a "retract" button somewhere.
If I'm right, heat STROKE in humans is a life-threatening condition. One of the symptoms is CESSATION of sweating and the body can no longer cool itself (first aid: wet the victim! Fast! Get out of the heat! URGENT!).

Dogs cool through their mouths. Al's tongue grows to twice its normal size, engorged with blood. I guess in a heat situation, if the dog is NOT drooling, that's serious.
To wet a corgi, turn it upside-down between your legs and pour water over the belly; else it's like trying to wet a duck.
TIP: I've found a great way to cool the dog: hand-feed mountain snow.
Thank you Bravo's! He is a big daddy's boy, who has managed to spoil him rotten. I'm the big-bad-make-you-mind-mommy. I really regret not taking him to obedience classes, just giving him a few basic commands. But, he minds fairly well, especially when he knows I mean it. With his dad, he is a typically "kid", listens when he thinks he has to. But, I wouldn't trade my little stinker for the world.
Hard panting is a sign of anxiety and stress.

Is he acting stressed or just excited?
Just super excited. Its usually for the first 10-15 minutes when I come home from work. He is walked shortly after he calms down, and then back inside for dinner for him.
Dogs pant when they are nervous or anxious. Maybe he has seperation anxiety? I used to let Miranda have one of my old shirts when I would go out. NOTE: do not leave them a shirt you value, as they can sometimes chew it up to be spiteful.


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