At what age can I expect my puppy to be almost adult sized? Freya is a little over 4 months old now and 14 pounds--and she could stand to lose some as she's been sneaking into her brother's food and got chunky. The last time I went to the vet she was 12 pounds at 3 months.

The Vet was talking about spaying and he mentioned that he didn't think she would make 20 pounds by 6 months of age and believed that she was going to be on the small size.

I know it isn't really something to worry about so long as she is healthy. But, I'm not sure if she will be on the smaller side of the corgi spectrum or if she is considered "normal" for her age.

I will be spaying in May and that is mainly cause I know how my boyfriend and I are--and I don't want to watch a dog go into heat with a male that isn't neutered and have to keep them away from each other. My boyfriend thinks I should let her go through a cycle. If she get chubby, I'll walk her, but I don't want her pregnant.

Hmm, kind of rambled at the end there, sorry.

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Get her spayed. There are no scientifically proven health benefits to let a dog go through a heat prior to spaying. If you have an intact male in the house you have even more reason to do it.

How big were Freya's parents? As she grows you should see a nice little waist and be able to feel the ribs when you gently push with your fingers on her sides. If you really have to prod to feel her ribs she might need to lose some weight. Corgis notoriously have weight issues so you need to control her access to food and other doggies food so she doesn't overeat. There are small and large corgis so depending on her parentage she could be somewhere between that.
Actually letting her go through a heat cycle will increase the liklihood of mammary tumors later in live. I can assure if you let her come in season and have to live with an intact dog this is an event you will never forget. Even with the most supervised situations when the drive is strong they seem to manage to find a way. Spay her and six months to avoid all the possible negative outcomes.
My mom had a dog that had pyrometria last year. After that, I don't want my little girl to go through that or have puppies. I'll be honest, I don't have the time to watch puppies.

Freya's parents...I only saw the mom and grandparents (dad was down the street and after the 3 and half hour drive on a work night, I was ok with not seeing him even though I had the option) and I think they might have been overweight. I say this because the other dogs in the house were definitely overweight and all of them were on free food. Her mother and grandparents looked normal in size--but the only other corgis I've seen were on the petite side.

I need to email the breeder again and send her some updated pictures and ask about their weight again.
Spaying is the healthy thing to do. By waiting, you increase the chance of pyometria, cancers of the uterus, cervix and ovaries, as well as mammary cancer. Go ahead and spay at six months. There's nothing wrong with your dog being on the small side. Our Maddie is small at 17 lbs. and 1 1/2 years old. She came from a puppy mill and was poorly bred, but she's a healthy and perky little corgi with great corgitude! No worries about size.
I wish I could get her spayed at 5 months but the vet office I use won't let me do that. I'm kind of paranoid that she will go into heat before I get her spayed. Do you know when they go into heat? Is it at 6 months or later than?
I got my pup spayed at 5 months and she is healthy as can be and sailed thru the surgery w/o any problems. My vet recommended it. I researched and I couldnt find a reason to wait. Besides the shelters spay and neuter at a much younger age than 5 months and I havent heard of any problems. I've discovered that when I research anything I will get so many differing views it can be mind boggling. Who was it who said......." I read where smoking and drinking is bad for your I gave up reading." Mark Twain perhaps? lol...great quote.
Lol, that is an awesome quote!
Talula is getting spayed next week and she'll be 4 months old this weekend. Our vet recommended the sooner the better, but she also sees a lot of puppies that were the result of owners not getting their dogs fixed, so she's extremely practical when it comes to dog rearing advice.
And it's great when a vet will do this. Unfortunately, they are few and far between.
Which Vet in the philly area is doing this? i called to hospitals and they both said they do it at 6 months
I finally got contact from the breeder this weekend. She told me that Freya's mom is 30 pounds and has held study at 30 and runs with her daughter for about 4 to 5 miles. Freya's dad was 22 to 23 pounds and was on the smaller side. Freya's mom didn't look overweight either--neither did the grand parents or the other daughter there.

She thinks Freya will be on the small side too--I suppose time will tell. Who knows what she will be, she definitely has a lot of leeway to work with though.


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