So, despite all of my precautions, Nutmeg has licked herself into an infection of the incision. I brought her on Friday to get the stitches out, and the vet told me to come back today. I did, and she has a full blown infection. I saw her licking it just a little...but never thought t was infected. I went to buy her another $25.00 donut. I am slathering Neosporin, and have to give her anti-biotics. They also told me to apply warm compresses twice daily. After all of this, I let her outside to pee...I walked away for seriously 2 minutes to come back to her COVERED in dirt! She dug a hole deeper than herself! I can't bathe her. She is a piece of work with this digging! I trapped her and have cleaned the site. Now she's sporting the donut. Short of tying her legs together...Im out of options.... HELP!!

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To keep her from licking, ask your vet for veterinarian-grade Bitter Orange. It's far more potent than the stuff you'll find in stores, and won't sting wounds. Gently rub a liberal amount around her stitches at least twice a day depending on how much she is licking and she'll stop. When my Louie had a testicle that was in his stomach removed (hadn't descended) he licked and licked and licked until we used the Bitter Orange and it stopped immediately.

Keep her on a leash when taking her outside to go potty. Especially with infected stitches, the last thing she needs is to be able to roam free.
Wishing Nutmeg a speedy recovery!
Jacki,i cant believe she had went out of hand with her operation. I thought Superstar was gonna be a wreck with this, but she had behaved in the healing process. Do like I told you, put the e-collar in(whether she likes it or not) and she will not think about licking herself on her stitches...and those donuts...its a waste of money....she will eat them no matter what and she is on her biting stage still....and if she gets dirty on her stitches, clean it with a wipe.
I'm so sorry to hear that :( Got to get the e-collar on. Wish Nutmeg a speedy recovery :)
Let her outside on lead only. If she has destroyed her "donut" you may try the old fashioned e-collar. They are difficult for a dog to learn to navigate but they sure do stop the dog from licking. Good luck.
I would go and get her an ecollar and like everyone else said put her on a lead when you take her out. About the digging a trainer told me not to discourage the dog from digging because its a natural instinct. She told me to get a sandbox and fill it with dirt and let the dog dig there. Well I actually have a built in sandbox with the swing set we built so since the kids don't use it anymore I trained Maggie to dig there. It has worked wonders. No more digging in my yard. Yea


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