We had Yogi in boarding the last couple days while we were on vacation. We brought him home today and he has no obvious signs of sickness or discomfort. He's tired which is normal after days of non stop play...but it was a bit strange that he was making no noises and barely barked..
And when he did decide to bark (sound of the doorbell) ..his bark was muffled and sounded a bit strange. He barked a couple more times and it was the same reaction.
I felt his throat area and he reacted with no discomfort.. Is this vet worthy or a common occurrence? Similar experiences?
PS- He is sleeping, chewing on hid/toys, eating, going to the bathroom, etc..nothing out of the ordinary except that strained sounding, muffled cough.

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The poor thing must had barked constantly! Once my son took care of mine and he is not the most attentive person. Sparty was hoarse for several days after. I did not take him in to the vet and he was fine after. I let my son take care of them one more time and changed caretakers after Sparty came back with stress induced colitis and Buffy was limping. Hope your baby feels better soon.
Aww poor thing. Bev is probably right, because depending on where you brought him, he probably spent most of his time in a kennel with a bathroom break every now and then. If I know anything about my Dax, I could definitely see him barking constantly in a situation like that. He's probably just hoarse, give it a couple of days and if it doesn't go away or he starts to act like he's sick or uncomfortable, then I'd think about getting him checked out. Feel better Yogi!
he probably just barked too much and now has a hoarse throat. i have yet to experience this first hand but have heard it from others who have "barky" dogs. i guess its like when we go to a sports game or even a concert and come home all hoarse :) just too much excitement, i guess. i'd just watch him and make sure it comes back soon :)
i called the vet today and they said the same thing all of you have been saying. he thinks its best we let it run its course unless it gets worse or he gets sick.
the place i take him he goes there frequently for daycamp and he loves it. when i picked him up he didn't seem too excited to see me or was rushing to get out. i was told it was a packed house over the weekend so i'm assuming he was barking all night long when crated. he's extremely tired too. I will give it a few days.
I suspect he has picked up a slight case of "kennel cough" which is not uncommon for dogs that are in the company of other dogs. Typically this is self limiting and dogs are back to their old selfs pretty quickly.
A lot of places here require the immunization for kennel cough.


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