Yep, my little 11 mo old corgi has attacked my 12 yo Sheltie again. The first time Stormie (Sheltie) ended up having major surgery to repair his neck. This time it wasn't as severe with just one bite mark on his neck. Here's a little history...we rescued Stormie about 8 1/2 yrs ago and he became a member of our family which included 2 other Shelties. One passed away due to old age and the other ran under our golf cart as it was moving. Our 11yo daughter was absolutely devastated and we ended up getting Sassy as 41/2 mo puppy. Yeah, I know we should have waited and dealt with the grieving process but we didn't. Sassy adapted to our family right from the start understanding that my husband was the alpha in the family. Last Nov, we discovered that Stormie had been attacked and thought at the time it was due to food agression. We kept them separated especially at meal times and everything seemed to be going great until today. We managed a self storage facility and the dogs are allowed access to our office from the residence. A couple was renting a unit and the wife and their young daughter were playing with Sassy. Stormie walked up and wanted affection as well. Within a heartbeat, Sassy had him pinned down by the throat and of course, Stormie was yelping. We broke it up and put Sassy in her crate. Then we took Stormie to the vet who prescribed antibiotics and a pain pill. When we described the situation, she said that Stormie may have missed some cues from Sassy to back off and that may be because he's blind in one eye and is deaf.

Ok, now that my tale has been told, any thoughts from any one???

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I have a similar problem with Oliver. He is a 3 month old, and normally gets along great with other dogs. However, there have been two, both smaller than him, so far that he gets really aggressive with. One is one of his litter mates- my cousin has him, and when we got together for her graduation, they seemed to get along great, then just turned and both of them were going after each other like they were going to kill each other. We separated them, and didn't give them an opportunity to get near each other for the rest of the day. My sister recently got a terrier/japanese chin mix, and they play great together for the most part, but there have been a few instances where they have gotten really vicious towards each other. Since Oliver has started a new humping stage, and immediately tries to mount the girl, we thought that had something to do with it. However, the worst was about 2 weeks ago. The same terrier puppy was around, and they were playing great. We were in the middle of moving, so my sister picked up her dog, and my grandma picked up Oliver. They immediately started growling at each other, and Oliver started fussing in grandma's arms to get down. When she held tight, he started growling at her and bit hard enough to draw blood. Until then he has never been violent towards humans, and the episodes with other dogs happen few and far between, especially as he ages. However, this is a major concern of mine, as we will be having our first child in 9 weeks. I certainly don't want to have to worry about him being overly aggressive towards my daughter! Any suggestions/help??
Sounds like you have your hands full like we do. What I have been hearing is training, training, training for the dog and owners. To describe Radar a little more she can be very skiddish and I wonder if this leads to her aggression sometimes. I have read they can be dominant aggressive or fear aggressive and I wonder if she has a little of both. She hates to share toys but she also is scared of loud trucks and despises the sound of us handling their doggy gate. It is almost like she has been abused but not once have we ever raised a hand to her and we know the family very well that we bought her from so there is no problem where she came from.

I am as confused as you are and I think I will look into some training for both of them. They both could use some social skills cause they just don't play with other dogs all that great either. They also will draw the line with small children. Our children are 9 and 11 and know not to grab them around the neck or be too rough with the them. My cousin has a Golden Retriever and that dog puts up with lots of kid abuse and is so patient but Corgis don't seem to have that trait or atleast ours don't.

I would definitley look into getting some professional advice with your new baby on the way atleast to rest your fears so you can enjoy that new baby!

Is he fixed? Maybe that would help.
You will not regret going to some classes. It can make all the difference! I have a very dominant male corgi that is ten and he was as good as gold with my 3 year old grandson from day one. Now I never let the baby manhandle Sparty but they could play together and he could crawl and run around with no problems.
I think classes are gonna be a must and I know needs the training and that is US!
Great that you pinpointed his fear agression center. I bet the cues are there for us and we just haven't found them yet. Sometimes it is hard to pay attention with the busy lives we lead. Thank you so much for your input.


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