Al & Gwynn are each good at recall ...when they want to be.

If Gwynnie is really interested in a friend or an animal, she ignores me.
Al will often obey... on the third command, with that slow "I was gonna do this anyway" insolence of a teenager.

Particular problem:
We let them out one last time, briefly, before bedtime.
AL quickly learned that he does not, in fact, have to come in when called, and that I cannot catch him. He is awfully naughty. I am powerless. I'm reduced to putting him out on a long leash at this time.

I want them to obey, first time, almost instantly.


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Daisy totally ignores me! She will stop and look when tell her to come and then keep on doing what ever she was doing. She took off after a rabbit yesterday and pulled her leash out of my hand. She went runing down the street draggng her leash behind her. She would stop when I would yell her name but would not come back to me... she would run as soon as I would get close to her. I tossed a stick into a neighbor's yard and when she went to get the stick I got close enough to step on the leash and grab it. I defiinitely need to get her into a class!
I read the best thing to do if they are ignoring you is drop to the ground making all kinds of goofy noises. There are very few dogs that won't come to investigate. Of course it would feed into the myth that all corgi owners are nuts!! Mine learned recalls in obedience class so I have not tried it but I would love to watch somebody do it. Ha Ha!


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