Is your corgi loose, crated or seat-belted when driving in your car?

The corgi car discussion made me wonder how all the corgi lovers drive around with their corgis in the car? Do you leave them loose riding shotgun or with the kids in the back, placed in a doggie seat belt apparatus, or in a crate? I drive a Honda Accord and mostly Lilly is loose(leash on) with my girls in the back seat. She also loves to put her front feet on the center console and look out the windowshield. Occasionally she curls up in the passenger seat. She is never allowed on me when I drive. Sometimes I feel like that is being a bad mom and I'm thinking about setting up a seat belt thing. What do all of you do?

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Corey is in a crate because he is not the best traveler and Holly is in a seat belt. It depends on your dog which option is the best.
I know I saw the halter belt at walmart for 20 bucks, not sure how much it is at Petsmart--but I need to get one for the Weimaraner and my corgi baby. It would be a double win--the Weim won't pace erratically going from window to window to sniff--and the corgi won't get trampled in the backseat.

I'm trying very hard not to let her get used to riding in my lap like she did when I first got her. I had to train Freya to not come to me when I'm driving and I did this by borrowing my mom's harness that I bought for her dog--and strapped the girl in. After a few car trips like that she doesn't come over as much.
My corgi is loose in the car. I drive a Honda CRV and he mixes it up on where he sits. On long trips he curls up in the passanger seat and sleeps (the airbag shuts off automatically based on weight). On short term trips, Paddy sits in the middle of the back seat, sometimes with paws on the front seat arm rests (so he can look out the front window). He is never allowed on my lap while driving, nor does he want to be there. I too have wondered about the safety issues and tried seat belting him as a puppy and young adult. He hated being confined in a belt. I've decided to let him be comfortable and loose.
In our SUV, the dogs ride in the cargo area. In my little cavalier, they ride wherever. If I'm just taking the corgi, he gets seatbelted in. If I have multiple dogs, however, they are rather helter skelter everywhere. Luckily, I don't really drive much in my car.
We used to have Lance on a leash and one of the kids would hold the leash in the backseat when the whole family was going out. If it was just Lance and I, I would put him in his kennel in the van because I didnt want him all over the van.

I just recently bought a harness/seatbelt and I love it, it is awesome!!! I love it so much I wrote a blog about it on my page!
Cool thread! I have only had Dex for 4 weeks now and so far he naps in the footwell of my passenger seat while I am driving. I have a Mini Cooper S, and though it is small he is much smaller and still can't see over the door and out the window. When he is full grown I want to invest in a belt system for him. :D I have leather seats and his butt tends to slide around when I take a turn. :(
I have put a rug under Lance so he doesnt slide on our leather seat. I was thinking of getting like a non slip pad to put on there and see how that works too. The rug is a bathroom size rug, I end up folding in half, but it works. : )
Washington State law: all drivers and passengers must be clipped-in, so Al & Gwynn are always belted (or crated when possible; I think it's a lot safer); they never use a cell phone while driving; and of course they keep both paws on the wheel. When they're in the back seat, they always criticize my driving.
Lol. Yay Washington!
I usually just let them drive.
Jack uses a padded car harness and gets belted in the back seat. He used to ride in the crate; we have a Subaru Forester and he rode in the cargo area in the crate. He loved it, and honestly if he had a say he'd probably choose it over the harness. However, we started having concerns, like: What happens when we get another dog? No room for two crates. What do we do when we want to take the dog camping and the cargo area is full? What if we are going on vacation and want to drop the dog off at the kennel on the way, instead of making an extra trip?

Hence the harness. He has learned to like it a lot and starts whining as soon as we get it out. Here's a cheap tip for a seat protector: Instead of buying one of the expensive pet ones, by a cheapo crib liner from a discount store. We paid about $10 for ours. It's washable, it's waterproof, and it has little lambs on it. :-)

I hope everyone who leaves their dogs loose at least pauses to consider that in an accident, your loose dog is a projectile and will likely hit something hard enough to do damage. :-( I know we all love our furkids and wouldn't want that to happen!


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