Okay, I'm adopting a two year old male Corgi when i move into my new house. Dakota's breeder contacted me and told me someone needs to give up a corgi that they had purchased from her. I've brought him over to my dad's house a few times to make sure he and D get along, which they do. They are great together.

However, he marks all over anything and everything. At first I thought it was because my dad has cats and he's never been around them, but then he did it at my fiance's house as well. It's insane.

So my question is: are belly bands REALLY inhumane, or are they a helpful training tool? I "created" one to try out and he hasn't even TRIED to mark since he's had it on. Not once. I've been taking him out constantly (between a half hour and hour) and praised him when he went outside. Is it okay to use them if I eventually hope to phase them out?

I really can't afford him destroying my dad's house or my new one when I move in.

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I've seen these on the online store called IN THE COMPANY OF DOGS they don't seem inhumane to me, they have them in fun designs and if I remember right they just velcroed around the middle. If it works as a training aid why not???
There's a woman in WI that makes them also...I will try to find her email address...not sure if I still have it and these are made for corgis!
Here is one website:


And here is a website that has several verision of belly bands that you can make yourself:


just type in belly bands.
Wow I had never heard of this kind of thing before will definitely put that in the mental box I call a memory cos one day, I might need that.
Brilliant idea thanks.
Is he neutered? If not, have him neutered. This will go a long way to ending the marking. If he's not a show dog, there is really no reason not to neuter him.
Nothing inhumane about belly bands. I use them frequently with our foster dogs. Heck people dress up dogs all the time. Whats the difference? Certainly continued training should continue. If he isnt neutered do so right away. If he was just neutered and has been bred in the past this is quite normal behavior. One that needs lots of work. Good luck!


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