I am thinking about starting Tucker with doggie day care - maybe once a week. (too expensive for more!)

Do you take your dogs to day care? What have your experiences been like?

My boyfriend is home on Mondays and I get out early from work on Fridays - but Tues-Thurs is a long stretch where Tucker is home 7-9 hrs alone (well with the 2 cats!). He is doing a "trial" at one place today -it is nothing facny but smaller/more personal and the owner is great. I've read rave reviews but I think she is usually the only one watching the dogs and that concerns me a bit. The other place we are going to check out is bigger, has a nicer facility and 3-4 ppl watching the dogs. They also have a doggie cam which is cute :)

I am convinced Tucker sleeps alllll day when I am gone. His toys are always in the same exact spot I left them - and he is all yawny and stretchy when I get in but I am sure he would like to have some exercise and stimulation during the day.

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Lol tell me about it...We can't stop going to pet stores..there are always new things to buy! We just got this rubber brush that we're supposed to use while bathing them...supposed to massage them. haha! Oh...you're forgetting pet chiropractor...Yogi's husky/shepherd friend had a chiropractor done his back...in a way, i'm jealous. I think I'm treating them better than I'm treating myself, and i'm not exactly low maintenance (as per my fiance). lol

Yes, try the place one more time, and if he's excited to go in, that's great. He'll always be excited to see you. Yogi and abby do all the time. They forget about their friends when we pick them up...but when we drop them off, they forget about us. You'll find a great one. There's always one doggie daycare per 3 blocks radius nowadays Lol
You hit the nail on the head!
I've seen hundreds of dogs come on day one, be nervous for an hour or so, and then have the time of their lives, but when mommy or daddy show up, they're ready to go. I'd take more into account how he responds at arrival than departure.
Hey, you can come up with a doggie gym, where both dogs and owners can exercise. Oh wait, it's called Agility :)
jordan goes to campgoodpuppy.com they have a wonderfull website and a "typical day" portion so you can see what they do
you can look and compare. Jordan LOVES his girls and i can't stress the LOVE part enough when I get there and let him out of the crate and he see's where he's at he starts whining and turtle pulling me to the gate. He'd never come home if he could tell me where he'd perfer to live LOL
Wyatt used to go all the time, it was great. I like her cause she was great with the dogs, they played...and she didnt crate them. It really helped Wyatt with his doggy social skills.
Thank you Linsey for all the words of wisdom :)
I can't help it... canine nutrition and doggie daycare are my "things" so any posts on those... I just can't help myself!
Glad I could be of some help!
Maybe setup a webcam recording to see exactly what your dog does during the day and see if Tucker really needs doggie day care.
I am pretty sure he sleeps all day. I have been wanting to set up a camera though just to see. I should do it soon - it'd prob be a boring video! I guess he doesn't neeeed daycare - but I do think he'd enjoy it since he looooves the dog park.
We've never used Doggie Day Care, but after reading this thread I think I might try it. The nicest and the closest place does have a 2hr nap, but they also have a webcam, so I can make sure they don't stay in cages over 2 hours. They separate dogs by size and temperment which is good. This goof ball has gotten in trouble before for thinking he's allowed anything and everything. They consider a small dog anything under 30lbs.
They do require an interview which is $15 (I really don't know why we even have to pay for it) and they charge $30 for one day. There are discounts for packages, but it doesn't get lower than $25 a day. It's a lot of money, but I'll try at least every other week. It is rare that he's alone at home for over 4 hours, but my fiance starts school soon and it will be different.
Sounds a lot like the place I am checking out Sat - we're paying $10 for the 'interview'. It is really expensive - I know people that sent their dog every day! Once a week is about the most I can justify and I figure there is no commitment so if I don't want to spend the money one week he doesn't have to go. Tucker is right around 30 lbs - they said that he would prob be put in a group based on temperament rather than size each day because he could really go with the big or the little dogs.
I'll only take mine to doggy daycare if I'm working at one. I've worked at 3 and interviewed at quite a few more and have seen way too many people hitting and alpha-rolling dogs for my liking.


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