well i have a interesting story for both my corgi's. first

"WREN" it was February 29th 2004 (leap year) and i was supposed to pick Wren up from the breeder that day, and come that morning i still have not had a named picked out for her. it was going to be Zoey but just couldn't commit to that name. so my family has been constant readers of the comic "Baby Blues" and about the time i was getting Wren the couple in the comic were expecting a baby. they revealed the name in the sunday edition, right before i was to get the puppy. i read the comic and saw the name and a light went on. "Wren, thats it" my family agreed it would be a perfect name, and it was!!!

and now...

"OZZEE" again like Wren i couldn't decide on a name for him. for the longest time it was going to "Harvey", my father is a HUGE batman fan. we had gotten Oz about 3mos before the latest batman movie was due in theaters, so it was perfect. But my dad wanted to change it to OZZEE, before we brought Oz home, my dad had become friends with a guy at a local grocery store, and he thought he was the coolest person. (he was a janitor, not a big deal or anything) but my dad came home one day and said "we should name the new pup "Ozzee" i said okay, but im changing the spelling because i wanted some what of a unquie name for my dog.

and well for my kitty "MR. BUSY" well hes a cat that never sleeps. he's ALWAYS busy doing/chasing something.

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Grissom got his name from CSI. I work with dogs, and come in contact with 100/day sometimes, so coming up with a name that in my mind isn't already "taken" is tough. I was watching CSI one night and my then-boyfriend suggested I name him Grissom. I hated the idea. That was three weeks before he came home with us. In the car on the way home, we ran through a couple names and got no response from him. I was telling my friend that was with me "Yeah, Andy wants to name him Grissom" At the sound of the name his ears pearked and he looked right at me.
I guess you could say he named himself.
Ein.... You get 3 guesses
Seanna is Welsh for "God's Grace".
But her full AKC name is "Lady Seanna Stubbins of Scots"...
Around the time we got Kirby, I liked Flash, Ace and some other wacky names, but my wife wasn't exactly on board with those. The actor Bruno Kirby had died around that time and I just thought Kirby had a nice ring to it, so we went with that.

Cricket was originally going to be called Cara. I wasn't entirely sold on that, although we called her that for a day or two after we brought her home. When we'd have her outside and she'd run across a cricket in the grass or on the driveway, she would get very excited, hopping and pouncing and generally terrorizing the litte critter for her own amusement. After that, it was Cricket all the way. Whenever we have them out together and people ask their names, it's always followed by an "Awww, how cute!" so I think we did a good job with Kirby and Cricket.
When I saw him, I knew he was a proud and strong minded dog, he struck me as a Morgan. And the way he walks is kind of funny, like he is hiking his leg up every now and then (not in the boy bathroom way, he just wobbles funny). So I named him after the guys in the captain Morgan commercials, where they act all funny and have the leg bent in a manly way.
I honestly don't know where the idea to name Chesney came from...lol. My husband and I were having a hard time agreeing on a name. One day I was in the store and day dreaming about my new little baby that was going to be coming home to us soon. Suddenly out of thin air the name Chesney just popped in my head and I felt with my whole being that that was the perfect name! It was like it was destiny. And also it seemed fitting considering Kenny Chesney sings "You Had Me From Hello" which is mine and my husbands song and also she had my heart from the moment I saw her!! I suggested it to my husband and he agreed but only if he could add a royal title to it...lol. For some reason he was insistant on her having a royal title from the moment we started picking names...lol. Her middle name just came to me one day after we had had her because I was getting on her about something and the middle name just popped out..lol. You know kinda like your kids when they are in trouble and you use their full names...lol. And the last name is ours of course. So all in all her name turned out to be Lady Chesney Anne Jones.

I of course already have part of a name picked out for our next one...lol. Chase for a boy or girl but if it's a girl it will be spelled Chayse. I'm not sure why but like Chesneys name it just came to me one day and felt right...lol. I can't wait to get another puppy!!!!
Oh now I'm thinking baby names!! Ok so I decided on Chase if we get a boy and Piper if we get a girl....lol. Maybe. :o) I want a new baby soooo bad now!! I know we aren't quite ready for one yet though...hehehe.
I'm a MAJOR Duran Duran fan, and the lead singer is Simon LeBon, whom I have loved since I was a teenager. So my Simon is named after him. :)
Gemima's name means Princess of Peace in a biblical connotation, Her breeder had named her and the name seemed to fit her perfect little princess personality so we shortened it to Gem for the ease of it and she really is the perfect little gem, Her registered name is "Gemima Princess of Peace."
Edward was named after Edward Cullen in the Twilight series. It just seemed to fit his mysterious ways, sharp teeth, ability to mind read(when it's snack or chow time). I also wanted him to have some of his ancestors Welsh heritage so his registered name is "Prince Edward Emrys(means immortal in Welsh) Arthfael(strong as a bear in Welsh)"
My dogs are Ratchet and Clank which is our favorite video game series
My Corgi/Aussie mix is a complete troublemaker so I decided to name him Loki after the Nordic god of mischief. Originally he was gonna be called Napoleon....then it was gonna be Remy. But I finally settled on Loki.


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