So I just got inside from taking Sydney out and she had a hairy, bloody bowel movement. This is the first time she has had a bowel movement in 24 hours (and hasn't really eaten anything in that long either) - I kept taking her out last night and this morning and she wouldn't go. So she finally just went and it wasn't a lot at all. Not to mention that she has had a gurgly tummy all night and morning and keeps passing gas. What is going on?? I'm really concerned and just made a vet appointment but I can't take her until the morning. Should I be worried? Has anyone had this experience before? She seems to be acting relatively normal besides being a little mopey.

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it sounds like there is a blockage? Has she had any rawhide lately?
It could be a blockage caused by eating hair since you said the bowel movement was hairy. Hopefully it all passed now. The blood could just be from some irritation in the intestines. It's probably the right thing to do to go to the vet so they can check if there's any more blockages or damage to her GI tract though, but I hope that's not the case.
Finnigan has had his share of tummy troubles. One time it was persistent diarrhea that eventually turned bloody due to irritation and this ended up being because of his food. He developed and intolerance to chicken.

He had a bout of vomiting when he was a few months old. He could not even keep water down. He ended up needing a shot to stop the vomiting. The vet did an x-ray to look for a blockage and didn’t see anything but the x-ray did show that his bowels were packed full. The vet said to try to get him to go potty and empty his system. It was odd because he had been going potty as usual. He said with all that in his system there could be a blockage he couldn’t see though. He ended up getting better in a couple days. When we had his hips x-rayed the vet was able to see his tummy too and confirmed that there was no blockage. We never figured out what made him sick that time.

Another was when he devoured a rawhide. He again had diarrhea with blood and kept trying to go when there was nothing left to come out.

Another was when he destroyed a stuffed toy and ate a lot of the stuffing. This caused vomiting and diarrhea.

I’ve known dogs to eat clothes or other fabric or even rocks which cause a blockage. Hopefully that’s not the problem with Sydney.

Was Sydney's stool solid or runny? Did you ask the vets office what you should do in the meantime? I would suggest withholding food until the appointment tomorrow to let her tummy settle. You can give her a Pepcid and encourage her to drink water.
Yes definatly encourage water...I hope it's nothing serious. I did have a rescue that had this and when I asked the vet he said to moniter (it was just some blood on his but after he pooped). I think he was thinking some kind of worm or constipation orsomething not real serious...but you don't want to take a chance. I also had dogs poop fur after rabbitt hunting and some blood but I assumed that was from the rabbitt...yes and then I wormed them! keep us updated and good luck Sydney...hope you feel better soon!!! The gurgly tummy at my house usually means they ate something yucky outside and don't feel so well!
First of all, Lindsey, when it comes to our Corgikids, nothing is gross, so don't ever worry about that.

Second, like everyone said, encourage the water drinking, even if you have to syringe it down her throat. Was it hair or grass in her stool? Was it even a stool? Sometimes mine eat grass, and when it comes out, you can hardly tell what it was originally, sometimes coming out looking like a worm or caterpillar.

The gurgly tummy and gas is either because she hasn't settled her tummy down yet, or coccidiosis, which is a parasitic intestinal infection contracted by eating bird poo. It's not life threatening if diagnosed properly and quickly, and can be treated with strong anti-biotics and pills to slow down the "gut motility."

When you take her to the vet, take in the most recent/freshest "sample" you can gather, even if you have to "spoon" it out of the lawn and have them test for parasites. If she goes tonight, you may want to follow her around with a Ziploc, catch it up, and place in refrigerator over night to preserve for testing if you don't think you can catch one up before her vet visit tomorrow.
I will say Pooka gets a gurgly tummy and gas whenever she skips a bunch of meals and/or eats some carbs (I fed her a tortilla once and learned my lesson). But the other stuff makes it sound more serious. Just saying, the gurgly tummy could be cuz she is empty from not eating.


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