Okay, I know there is another discussino going on about chew toys right now, but this one was slightly different so I decided to make another one.

My guys both like to chew and so of course no toy lasts in our house. So far the only things that aren't destroyed in minutes are Nylabones, raw beef femur bones, ropes, and Kongs. The Kongs the dogs will only mess with if there is food in it, and the ropes my Aussie will actually eat as he starts to unravel them, so they are not safe. That leaves us with the femur bones and the Nylabones. I actually just got some new Nylabones for the pups a week ago, and sitting here, listening to them chew, I am really afraid they are going to break their teeth. I have also stopped giving the femur bones for the same reason. I mean these guys try hard to break hard things and I am afraid they are going to snap off a tooth one night. Unfortunately they really prefer hard and textured things to chew on. I've gotten some rubbery textured things (like the Orka Jack) but they get ripped and pieces eaten. I also have a Kong bone that is rubbery but pretty sturdy, but they don't like to chew on it since it is a smoother texture. Oh... my picky dogs!!

So I need some good options that aren't going to damage teeth or clog intestines. My Aussie especially will chew whether he has a toy or not, so I prefer him to have a toy so it doesn't end up being my wall that he chews (and yes, he will chew the actual wall if there is nothing else he can find). Both of my guys do get exercise, and Lyla especially is usually okay not chewing if she has to be, but Sky will chew even if he's had 8 hours of exercise (literally, this scenario has happened). Any ideas will be appreciated.

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We had to give up Nylabones because Sparty broke a tooth and wore the enamel off his back teeth because he cranked on them so hard. I still give them cow bones which they like because he can not seem to brace it hard enough to do much damage. We still have to watch them in case they start getting pieces off. Raw hides that are not too big( the flat ones that are for teeth cleaning) are good too but you still have to watch it. It is hard I know!
Oh, I forgot all about Rawhides! We had to give those up because Sky would break off such big pieces he actually choked once and I had to fish it out. Scared me to death! Not to mention he would go through a large dog size rawhide in one, maybe two, evenings which I just thought was too much rawhide going through his system, and opend the possiblity of causing a blockage. My little 25 lb dog sure knows how to be destructive! We might go back to rawhides if nothing else works, I just don't like using them unless I have to. It really seems like there is no "safe" option, just options that are "less dangerous" than others. Lol!
I love that idea! I'm definitely going to try it. I'm not worried about my dogs generalizing to other shoes, they have always been very good about chewing only what I hand them.... unless it's a wall or baseboard, lol.
Himalayan dog chews are hard cheese blocks, cheap and fun texture. Completely safe if swallowed whole, digests quickly if that happens. Petexpertise.com. I recommend extra large size, any others are too small.


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