I was petting Finn today and when he rolled over I noticed a strange patch on the pad of one of his back feet. It doesn't look like anything on any of the other pads and I don't know if it's a problem or just a callus and I'm overreacting. I took the best pictures I could considering the bad lighting and a dog that won't sit still. It's a white spot with black specks on it. It's on the right at the edge of the pad. Does anyone know what this could be?

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I took pictures last night but didn't get a chance to post them on the site. They are not as clear as the original pictures either. I took at least 10 and only two are at all decent so I hope you'll be able to see the difference in the new pics. I will post them tonight.
Patti and I both looked at it closely. I believe I would have it looked at to be safe.
Here are the new pics of his foot. Upon closer inspection I do see something kind of similar on his other back foot in the exact same spot but it's not as noticable and is about 2/3 the size. Maybe it is some kind of callus. I really don't know.
The spot looks to me like it's getting worse. I don't like the darkness of the skin in the middle of it. It seems to me like there is some sort of infection underneath. The skin shouldn't really be turning that color. And the hairs seem to be in the same condition. New hairs look healthy and not brownish like that. I would really suggest you get it looked at. The area should look more healthy as time goes on if it's going to resolve itself, especially since you have been cleaning the area and trying to help it get better. But, to me... It looks like it's deteriorating. That's just my opinion though. I hope it gets better. Please keep updating. It is very concerning to me. Hugs from me and Kota.
How is it?
any updates???
No changes. It looks the same. Some times it looks more white and sometimes more grey. That could just depend on how clean it is I suppose. It is on his foot afer all.
Alice, I got a pic of Livvy's pads and I will try to add it tonight! I know hers a callous...as she's always running!
Maybe they have paws like people have feet and need a pumice stone (just kidding)!
I had a lot of time checking out Livvy's feet when she was in labor and I saw lots of callous(sp) I'm not sure it looks any different that Finn's feet. I will have to check again.
If you have pictures I would like to see.
Hi Alice,

If these aren't clear enough I'll try again tomorrow!

Yeah, can't really see the spot where the problem is in these pics. Whenever you can get more... would be awesome. I'm really glad the spot doesn't bother Finn. Cute baby butt in there too! With Tail... Love it!


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