I have a question: We just recently got a new 6 wk old Golden Retriever puppy and I can't figure out if my 10 yr old female Corgi hates him or wants to mother him. She growls every time he gets close to her, even baring her teeth. She has lunged at him a few times but hasn't hurt him. She won't do anything as long as he stays away from her. She doesn't act jealous. Could she just be herding him? She acts very similar with my 2 year old grandson but has never lunged at him or bared or teeth. She just does this funny little growl in her throat when he is close by. She has no problem with my 10 yr old granddaughter and she can be pretty rowdy. What is funny is that when my grandson is taking a nap, she will lay down beside him. When we put the puppy in his kennel at night and whines, she will stand and bark at him. Just one bark that sends him into his bed. It usually only takes one bark to get him into his bed. Then she will lay down in front of his kennel until he is sleeping, then get up and go somewhere else to sleep. (I actually love this...no whining puppy for hours) Another benefit to having the puppy is that she has finally learned to play with toys. We've had her for months and she has just never been interested in playing (her previous owner was elderly) but now that the puppy plays all the time, she wants to play (unfortunately not with him). Can anyone give me some insight? We tried to put a muzzle on her while he is out because I don't want to take a chance of her hurting him but that doesn't seem to work. She went crazy trying to get the muzzle off and I don't want it to create more problems. I will keep watching for any ideas or comments. Thanks in advance.

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How recent is recently? When I brought home Bella's almost 1 year old pup last week she did the same thing for 4 days but now is fine. They don't stop playing now! My dogs love the grandkids but they do shy away from my 2 year old grandson also!
They never did before he turned 2 and we have older grandkids that are fine also...I think this has something to do with the age or actions.My Bella always seems to be the "mother" and likes to teach and correct the others and sometimes it is a soft growl or bark! She may be spelling out her boundaries along with mothering? I believe that someday she might forget and start playing with him... not sure but she might just be trying to figure it out. How does she do with other dogs?
Are you sure she's not talking to your grandson?
She might just be really nervous about him. She might be staying close because she wants to keep an eye on this new thing in the house.
We got the puppy a week ago (I know 5 weeks is too young but the mother had 10 puppies and was having trouble keeping up with them. She looked like a bag of bones and quite honestly, I thought the puppy was safer with us). BTW, I have never owned a Golden Retriever but wanted a dog that was smart and good with kids. When I went to choose my puppy, I asked for the brattiest male puppy because I believe they are the smartest and I was not disappointed. This little 5 week old puppy went through the doggy door the first day we had him. One week later, he went out the doggy door to potty on his own. He has already learned to climb up on the couch and thinks our back yard is an agility course. He will go under, over and in between anything he can find. He found his toy box immediately and will go over and pull the toys out to play. As for our corgi, maybe she just needs some more time. I just don't want her to hurt the puppy. We keep a close eye on her anytime she is around my grandson and the puppy right now. And to answer your last question Jane, if she is talking to my grandson, I think she is saying "will you just go and sit down and be quiet?" LOL
I think you are doing the right thing by watching her but I believe in a week or two they'll be best of buds! I have cats like this that take about a month before they accept another one and I am guessing that your corgi will too once she finds out how much fun the puppy is and since she is older that might take longer also. I also watch my dogs who have never had a problem with my grandson till now and if I can't I kennel them as Peyton will climb right in the kennel with them if I don't close the door. I think mine are just scared of him as to why????????? Maybe a 2 year old who is exploring the world and sometimes running and being weird is not in their realm of comfort right now????

Good luck...keep us updated!


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