well i have a interesting story for both my corgi's. first

"WREN" it was February 29th 2004 (leap year) and i was supposed to pick Wren up from the breeder that day, and come that morning i still have not had a named picked out for her. it was going to be Zoey but just couldn't commit to that name. so my family has been constant readers of the comic "Baby Blues" and about the time i was getting Wren the couple in the comic were expecting a baby. they revealed the name in the sunday edition, right before i was to get the puppy. i read the comic and saw the name and a light went on. "Wren, thats it" my family agreed it would be a perfect name, and it was!!!

and now...

"OZZEE" again like Wren i couldn't decide on a name for him. for the longest time it was going to "Harvey", my father is a HUGE batman fan. we had gotten Oz about 3mos before the latest batman movie was due in theaters, so it was perfect. But my dad wanted to change it to OZZEE, before we brought Oz home, my dad had become friends with a guy at a local grocery store, and he thought he was the coolest person. (he was a janitor, not a big deal or anything) but my dad came home one day and said "we should name the new pup "Ozzee" i said okay, but im changing the spelling because i wanted some what of a unquie name for my dog.

and well for my kitty "MR. BUSY" well hes a cat that never sleeps. he's ALWAYS busy doing/chasing something.

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I love the name Remy, like Remy LeBeau (aka Gambit from the X-Men).

Loki is a good name too. There was a really cute mixed breed in Finnigan's puppy class named Loki and the name definitely suit him
My boy came with the name Noodle...so not right for him.
I had almost a month after meeting him to think, choose, and discard names based on what I'd observed.

I was looking at Welsh names, but none of them seemed to fit. So I crossed into Scotland and stumbled across "Oliver."

My brain immediately started making associations...1) Oliver Twist the ever-hungry orphan from Dickens and 2) Oliver Wood the Gryffindor's Quiddith Keeper/Captian from the first couple Harry Potter books.

I literally woke up from a dead sleep with his registered name on my lips "Oliver Wood With A Twist".
That's Finnigan's dad's name! I like the name Oliver. .

Incidentally, Finnigan is also a HP character; Seamus Finnigan of Gryffindor.

It took us forever to come up with a name to register Finn by (almost a year). We didn't have that "a-ha" moment as you did. :)
Not sure if I've already posted to this post- Sorry if I already have.

Potus stands for President of the United States. My whole family are West Wing fans, and my mum wanted to call me dog Sam, because she thinks Rob Lowe is cute (and Sam is his character in West Wing). I wanted something original, something that wasn't that common and that, should we go to a dog park, 3 dogs wouldn't come running. My brother then suggested Potus, which is used in the first West Wing episode. I loved the idea. It also fitted in with our family's Corgi theme- my great grandfathers Corgi was Napoleon, so we needed another leader name for the next family Corgi. This was a short while before we got Potus. When we met him he'd already been named Maximus by the breeder, which was a cute name, and described him perfectly as he was the biggest in the litter, however my grandfather (no longer with us) was called Max so it would be a bit weird calling our dog the same name, and we had already decided on Potus. So that is how Potus got his name.
Mine is kind of similar to the Potus story!

I wanted my pup to have a regal American kind of name, so I decided to name him after a President. Then this led to either "Martin Van Buren" or "Jackson" and can you guess which one I chose? lol

I had the name picked out long before the pup, but he holds it well. Especially with his manly muzzle and little moustache. Unfortunately, he is not named after the best president, but that is neither here nor there haha.
Our boys were named after Welsh towns Tenby is a beautiful seaside town and Chepstow is nice town were my husband use to live.
Well, I don't know how I chose Chester to be his name. He's not AKC registered or anything but We just called him Chester C. Corgi (no middle name, just an initial)

Then I found out that there's a City in England named Chester and it's right near the border with Wales.

Although his name was Chester, he was rarely called that. We had a HOST of nicknames: Ches, Chessie, Chessie Butt, Secret Agent Fuzzy Butt, Poopybutt, Chaus, Boobybutt (who knows?), Sir Barksalot, Mr. Incontinent (towards the end, he was, but it was always said with the utmost understanding and love) There were so many other names, I forget.

Chester crossed the Rainbow Bridge on January 21, 2010. I am forever grateful to Creator for letting me be his owner.....Chester chose ME, he was my soulmate....
Aber was almost an Owain, for Owain Glyndwr, the Welsh hero. After I had picked him out but hadn't picked him up, the breeder needed to take him out of state for a family funeral. During the post funeral dinner back at the house, he started freaking out and barking at the ceiling, causing much embarrassment. She had her husband take him outside and, low and behold, lightning had struck the roof and the entire upper story of the house was on fire. Long story short, the house burned to the ground and he saved everyone's life as the new smoke detectors weren't working. So, he needed a heroic name. But he just wasn't an Owain. And he had a habit of sleeping in the waterbowl, so his litter nickname was Waterboy. I had been to the Aber falls in Wales, and had published on Llywellyn ab Iorwerth, the native Welsh prince who's favorite palace was at Aber. So, Aber he was---registered name Owain Abergwyngregyn, for the town where Aber is.

Ragnar (who we can't figure out a registered name for yet) is named for the medieval Danish legendary viking king Ragnar Lodbrook (Ragnar Hairy Breeks, for his habit of not scraping the hair from the skins he wore as pants) and Ragnar Danneskjold, the philosopher pirate from Atlas Shrugged, my favorite book. Since he's got bright blue eyes, he looks more Norse than Welsh, and lord knows I love the confusing, hard to pronounce names :). He's very bold and intrepid, so the viking/pirate thing fits him. I actually wanted to name him Llywellyn, but my boyfriend isn't as entranced with the name as I am, so Ragnar was a compromise of sorts.


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