I am curious to see if anyone here gives their dogs a BARF diet. I am really considering switching from kibbles and I want some advice on how I should do this safely, or at all. I have been reading article after article, and watching video after video...and this seems like the best way to give my dogs what they need. I just need a little more reassurance, and advice.

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Buy a copy of "Dr. Becker's Real Food for Healthy Dogs & Cats" - you can read her blog at www.mercola.com

I went raw without a book of actual recipes, and with what I thought was very in-depth research from the internet - and my dog actually ended up malnourished. =( Got that all fixed now, though - and he's one fine looking/feeling little guy!
Thank you for pointing out that you need to follow a set plan or the dog could end up malnourished! In a natural environment, animals will seek out salt and mineral licks that we don't necessarily provide. Free-roaming canines also eat the excrement of other animals to get certain key nutrients. Finally, many wild animals ARE malnourished in their natural state; if they can live long enough to reproduce successfully, they are an evolutionary success, but we want more for our pets.

So thanks for pointing out how careful we need to be if we choose this route. It can work, but it does take a lot of work. :)
I've fed raw for over a decade now. If you have questions, I'm happy to help.


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