I know its extremly rare to find pembrokes with them but I think its usual for cardis to have the blue icey eyes.

I wanted to see what others thought about them since when we were jokingly talking about another dog after maybe charlie passes on (in many many years thankyouverymuch). I mentioned I wanted to get a cardigan because I think they're pretty and wanted to see the differences between the two breeds from a personal perspective.

In reply my boyfriend just looked at me for a moment and said "Their eyes freak me out." ...????? "what?" "The blue eyes freak me out!"

.... In not being able to hold in my laughter I didn't get a better explanation from him yet lol but I think their eyes are pretty neat!

anyone else get kinda freaked out by the blue eyes? any reason?

Thanks :) Trying to understand what my boyfriend sees that I don't see.

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I've been the proud mom of a Cardigan for over a month now. Grady has two very piercing, very beautiful blue eyes and I wouldn't trade him for the world. Pembrokes can come up every once in awhile with a blue eye, it's not common but it does happen.
But no freaking out over the eyes? :) I just don't see how someone would get scared over them. I understand the usual corgi stare but all corgis do that one lol.

and I just looked at his picture He's so cute!

oh and boyfriend wants a corgi with the blue speckled fur (like yours) but wont let it sink in that he has to get a cardi for that lol.
Grady is a Blue Merle. I got him from a small breeder in MO, and no the eyes don't bother me, I wanted a Cardi with blue eyes, I get complimented on them all the time from people at work (he goes to work with me everyday)
I have a lot of people who freak out over Simon's eyes in the shop, so yep, your boyfriend is not alone. Either you love blue eyes on a dog or you hate it -- but I found that when I had a Shepherd with light gold eyes, people didn't like that much either. I think it's the intensity of the stare, even when the dog isn't being intense - the dog seems to look through you, not at you, and that bothers some people. :) Sort of that old 'wow, predator' moment.

I love blue eyes - I've found that I can really see what the dog is thinking by his pupil activity. No mistaking an expression on him, not at all. I love how he photographs -- it's so easy to get a fantastic expression on film with him.

That said, a friend of mine had a merle with the blue eyes at a dog show, and a little boy came running up to her dog and said... "Is that a werewolf?"

I totally laughed at that. Loved it. Were-Cardi, awooooo!
Usually, only Blue Merle Cardigans have blue eyes. Sometimes, they have brown eyes or one of each color.

Reds, Brindles, Sables, Black & Whites, Tris have brown eyes. On a rare occasion, one of these other colors will have blue eyes. They are altered immediately and adopted out as pets.
Clue has two brown eyes and is a merle; that's actually a lot less common than blue, mixed, or one of each.

I personally like to have some color in the eye (shading or shadowing of brown) and LOVE a brown-eyed merle, but that's purely because it makes for a warmer expression. It doesn't freak me out, just (I think) makes it harder for the face to have the warm and happy expression that is so important in Cardis.

All three of the merles in my litter have blue eyes; one has two blue, one has one blue and one cracked eye, and one has one cracked and one brown. They are adorable and lovely however they are, but if I were keeping a boy it would be hard for me to resist the one with the darker pigment. (As it is, since I am keeping a black girl, it's not a choice I have to make, whew!)
You know... tht's a good way to put it. It does make a warmer expression and with the happy, lolling tongue, it's... well, softer. Simon can look really hard when he's intent on something; luckily, he's such a good natured dog you don't see that look too often unless he's herding or working. Then it's right there, and yes, with his mouth shut and ears back in concentration, that soft expression is gone. Caleb, with that dark eye, always looks soft and happy, even when he's not.

Hahaha, it's a good thing I'm waiting on another pup, because I have to say, I'd have been all over your merles! ;) I love me a blue-eyed merle, I do. Actually, any one of them from that litter could have come home with me - they were all fantastic pups. (Plus, I adore Clue.)
Should I pray that your puppy falls through? ;)

The black girls are freakishly even right now (5.5 weeks) and I am really hoping they start to differentiate themselves soon or I am going to have a hard time not running on three or four. Which I CANNOT do. But wow, sniffles when they leave.
Lol! <3 Awww... now, that's the best compliment ever! Seriously. :D Made my whole night.

If I hadn't been on Dayl's you-must-have-a-girl ahem list since she started handling my boys I would be flying in tomorrow, hahaha. I have been sitting there drooling since you first announced it - I'd been following your journal for a while before me and the boys made a peep on ours. *grin* Clue's one of my all-time favorite girls, balanced and beautiful, with a mind to match. <3

I have loved watching them -- they're a gorgeous litter. I am just drooling over all of them, I admit I'd be as hard pressed as you are. Those girls are just fantastic. :)

Hahah, aw, and now back to the whole blue eyed thing, I swear! I I did see a Pem here with a blue eye - it's actually pretty neat. He had a half-white face and really high white, and a spot on his leg too. Very striking mismark!
I've seen a couple Pems on the site with a blue eye. One was a tri and I know there was at least one red. I couldn't find them for the life of me though.

I agree, those black girls of Joanna's are to die for. I drool over them occasionally (especially Harper and Emme). I love the blue boys too but I would want a girl. One bratty boy is enough. :)
You have good taste; those are the girls I am watching closest right now. But they're only six weeks; two more weeks is going to make a HUGE difference, and I'll probably be eating my words. I hope they get even better, but we'll see!

They have two rounds of evals up here and then are going down to the NJ Herding Group specialty when they're nine weeks old, to have some of the breeders there go over them. Evals are always a "one man's trash is another man's treasure" thing, so I am sure there will be some who love them and some who gag, but I am hoping to at least get a reasonable amount of consensus on who the top girls are, and my boy show home will take him home from there too. Then we come home and parcel out the pet puppies and I cry a whole lot.
That's part of what would make it hard to get another dog, the ones I like end up going to show homes. I like more white on the face like those girls have because I think it gives them a softer expression and gives the face a nice shape. Everyone has their own preference of course, but if those girls are trash then I'll be the garbage man. :)

What about the blues, are you thinking there is show potential there?

On the topic of blue eyes, Harry has a Tri girl with one blue eye that is available. Allowed or not, I think she's beautiful (not more so than Harper & Emme of course). I'm a fan of blue eyes whether it's one or both and she has a nice wide blaze. If I weren't a little apprehensive of going that route I'd probably be trying to get her.


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