I know its extremly rare to find pembrokes with them but I think its usual for cardis to have the blue icey eyes.
I wanted to see what others thought about them since when we were jokingly talking about another dog after maybe charlie passes on (in many many years thankyouverymuch). I mentioned I wanted to get a cardigan because I think they're pretty and wanted to see the differences between the two breeds from a personal perspective.
In reply my boyfriend just looked at me for a moment and said "Their eyes freak me out." ...????? "what?" "The blue eyes freak me out!"
.... In not being able to hold in my laughter I didn't get a better explanation from him yet lol but I think their eyes are pretty neat!
anyone else get kinda freaked out by the blue eyes? any reason?
Thanks :) Trying to understand what my boyfriend sees that I don't see.