Ok, I'm starting this just to see what people know. No fighting, kids! lol Anyways, I was thinking about doing the home cooked food for Copper. Not completely raw or anything, just homemade. I just read that in Los Angeles, roadkill is picked up and given to dog food companies. Is this true? I know I can't believe everything I read, so I took it with a grain of salt. Also, does anyone else's fur kids have dry paw paw pads? If so, what do you do for them? I clipped Copper's nails tonight and realized they were pretty dry. I don't think they are bothering him but just wanted to put something on them before they crack. I'm also proud to say that I did it all by myself for the first time. I cut Pooh's by myself but I was worried Cop would jerk and I would have a boo boo. I was too impatient to wait for my boyfriend to decide to join in on the festivities, so I went ahead and did them myself. He didn't mind at all. Laid there just like Pooh did. I also had another question but can't remember now. Stupid short term memory lol I'm sure it will come back to me.